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Wednesday, 22 June 2016

A Brief History of Imam Tirmizi

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A Brief History of Imam Tirmizi

Khazanah scholarship of classical Islam Imam Tirmizi noted figure as one of the main narrators of Hadith and experts, in addition to Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Abu Daud, and a series of other names. His work, Kitab al-Jami ', or commonly known as the book Jami' Tirmidhi, becoming one of the important references related problems Hadith and science, as well as included in kutub al-sittah (six books in the principal field of Hadith) and the famous Hadith encyclopedia. Full figure tawadhu 'and expert worship is none other than Imam Tirmizi.

Born in 279 H in the town Tirmiz, Imam Tirmizi full name of Imam Al-Hafiz Abu Isa bin Mohammed bin Isa bin Musa bin Saurah Ad-As-Sulami Dahhak At-Tirmizi. Since childhood, Imam Tirmizi fond of studying and looking Hadith. For the purposes of this he wandered into various countries, among others the Hijaz, Iraq, Khurasan, and others.

In his trip, he visited many great scholars and teachers to hear Hadith Hadith and then memorized and he noted well. Among his teachers was; Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim and Imam Abu Daud. In addition, he also studied at Imam Musa bin Ishak, Mahmud bin Gailan, Said bin Abdurrahman Ali Ibn Hajar, Ahmad bin Muni ', and others.

The long journey of wanderings in search of knowledge, exchange ideas, and collect the Hadith that turned him into a highly respected scholars of Hadith clerical contemporaries. Nevertheless, outlined the destiny of others. Power was also the noble efforts at the end of his life receiving the disaster blindness, and a few years he lived as a blind. In conditions like this, Imam Tirmizi died. He died at the age of 70 years Tirmiz.

At a later date, a collection of Hadith and science-science studied and narrated by many scholars, among them; Makhul Ibn al-Fadl, Muhammad bin Mahmud Anbar, Hammad bin Shakir, Abd ibn Muhammad An-Nasfiyyun, Al-Haisam bin Kulaib Ash-Syasyi, Ahmad bin Yusuf An-Nasafi, Abul-Abbas Mohammed bin Mahbud Al-Mahbubi, who narrates the book Al-Jami 'thereof, and others. They are also disciples of Imam Tirmizi.

Many scholars and experts Hadith recognize strengths and advantages in self Imam Tirmizi. Additionally, righteousness and piety was no doubt. One of the scholars, Ibn Hibban Al-BUSTI, Hadith expert, admitted Tirmizi ability in memorizing, collect, collate, and researching Hadith, making him the source of the famous scholars of Hadith collection, including Imam Bukhari.

While revealing among other scholars, Imam Tirmizi is a figure that is reliable, trustworthy, and very thorough. The story is presented Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar in At-Tahzibnya Tahzib, from Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Abu Dawud, here is one proof of the advantages of the Imam:

I heard Abu Isa At-Tirmidhi said, "At a time in the journey to Mecca, and when I have written a two-volume book contains hadiths came from a teacher. The teacher passed us. Then I wondered about him, they replied that he was the man I mean that. Then I see him. He thought that the 'two-volume book' with me. it turned out that I carried not two volumes are, but two other volumes were like him. When I met him, I begged him to heard the Hadith, and he granted it. Then he read a Hadith that has been memorized. In between readings, he stole a look and saw that the paper was holding was still white and clean without writing anything. Given this fact, he said, 'Are not you ashamed of me?' Then I told him and explain to him that what he read it already know by heart all of them. 'Read me!' he commanded. I also read entirely in a row. He asked again, 'What have you memorized before coming to me?' I replied, 'No.' Then I ask again that he narrated another hadith. He then read out the 40 Hadith are classified as hadiths difficult or gharib and said, 'Try repeating what I read earlier!' Then I read it from the first to finish, and he commented, "I've never seen anyone like you. ' "

Besides being known as an expert and memorizers of Hadith, knowing the weaknesses and narrator-narrators, Imam Tirmizi also known as fiqh experts with insight and broad view. The views of fiqh that, for example, can be found in his book Al-Jami '.

The series of studies on the issue this fiqh scholars also reflects itself as a highly experienced and understand very well sit real issues. As the imagery, the explanation to a Hadith of the suspension to pay the receivables carried the debt that has been able, as follows: "Muhammad bin Basysyar bin Mahdi told us. Sufyan told us, from Abi Az-Zunad, from Al-Arai of Abu Hurairah , of the Prophet, said: Suspension pay debts (made by the debt) is capable is an injustice. If one of you transferred the debt to other people who can afford to pay, let the transfer of the debt was received. "

How to explain the Imam? Here is a comment to him, "Most scientists say: 'If someone transferred receivables to others who can afford to pay and he accepted the transfer, then be free people to move (muhil) it, and for people displaced receivable (muhtal) are not allowed to sue to muhil. ' While some other experts said: 'If someone's property (muhtal) into loss due to bankruptcy Muhal' alaih, then for him is permissible demanding pay for the first (muhil). The reason is, there is no loss on the property of a Muslim. According to Ibn Ishak, the words 'there is no harm to property of a Muslim' is 'If someone transferred its receivable to another person he thought was capable of, but it turns out the other person is not capable, then there is no loss on the property of the Muslims (who transferred debt) it'. " explained Imam Tirmizi.

This is one example that shows us how brilliantly thought fiqh Imam Tirmizi in understanding the texts of Hadith, as well as how extensive and original vision of it. Until his death, Imam Tirmizi has written dozens of books, including: Kitab Al-Jami ', known as Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Kitab Al-'Ilal, Kitab At-Tarikh, Kitab ash-an-Nabawiyya Syama'il, Book Az- Zuhd, and Kitab al-Asma 'wal-Kuna.

Besides being known as the Book of Jami 'Tirmidhi, the book is also known as Sunan At-Tirmidhi. Among muhaddisin (Hadith experts), the book became a main reference, in addition to other books of hadith of Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim.

Book of Sunan Tirmizi considered very important because this book really pay attention ta'lil (valuation) Hadith explicitly mention the Hadith valid. That is why this book was ranked fourth in the order kutub al-sittah, or according to the author of Kashf Az Zunuun, Hajji Khalfah (d. 1657), the position of Sunan Tirmizi located on the 3rd level in the hierarchy kutub al-sittah.

Unlike the book of Hadith of Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim or written and other books of Sunan Tirmizi can be understood by anyone, who understand the Arabic language course. In selecting the Hadith for his book, Imam Tirmizi Hadith contrary on the basis of whether it is used by jurists (Jurist) as proof (proposition) or not. Instead, no filter Tirmizi Hadith Hadith aspect of it is weak or not. That is why, he always gave a description of the value of the hadith, even describing comparisons and conclusions.

It was narrated that he once said: "All the hadith contained in this book is that it can be carried out." Therefore, most scientists use it (as a handle), except for two hadith, namely: First, that means: "Verily the Prophet menjamak prayer Dhuhr with Asr and Maghrib with Isha, without cause fear and on the way. '' also Hadith, "If he drink alcohol, drink again in the fourth, then kill him." Hadith regarding penalties for drink wine are mansukh (erased) and ijma 'ulama also indicate so. as for prayer plural, the scholars disagree or does not agree to leave. most legal scholars are allowed to perform prayers at home for the plural is not used as a habit. this opinion is the opinion of Ibn Sirin and Asyab as well as the majority of Islamic jurists and experts Hadith Ibn Munzir.

Some features book Jami 'or Sunan Tirmizi is, the inclusion of the history of other companions on the issues discussed in the principal Hadith (Hadith al Chapter), whether it is to convey the same or different, even contradictory at all, directly or indirectly.

In addition, the direct connection with the privileges uluum al Hadith (the sciences of Hadith) is a problem ta'lil Hadith. Hadiths loaded with clearly stated value, even rawinya values ​​are considered important. The book is considered positive because it can be used for practical application of the principles of the science of Hadith, the Hadith ta'lil


