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Thursday, 16 June 2016

The Book of Oaths and Nadzar

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The Book of Oaths and Nadzar

Radliyallaahu from Ibn 'Umar' anhu that the Prophet Shallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam meet Umar Ibn Al-Khattab in a caravan, when he (Umar) was vowed by his father's name. So the Prophet Shallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam called out to them: "Know that Allah forbids you to swear by the name of your father. Whoever swears, should swear by Allah or keep quiet." Alaihi muttafaq.

According to a history of Abu Dawud and Nasa'i from Abu Hurayrah Radliyallaahu 'anhu in a Hadith marfu': Do not swear by your father, your mother, and nothing disekutukan with God. And do not swear by God, Unless you are in the correct state. "

Hadith 3rd
From Abu Hurairah Radliyallaahu 'anhu that the Prophet Shallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "Oath must be what is justified by your friends." Muslim history.

Hadith 4th
In a history: "I swear by the intention of the person requesting the Oath." Muslim history.

Hadith 5th
Radliyallaahu Samurah of Abdurrahman Ibn 'anhu that the Prophet Shallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "When you swear to something, then you see there is something better than the Oath, then pay expiation for the oaths and do the better it is." Alaihi muttafaq. According lafadz narrated by Bukhari "Do better and pay expiation Oath." According narrated by Abu Dawood: "Pay expiation Oath, then do what the better it is. Sanad both the authentic hadith.

Hadith 6th
Radliyallaahu from Ibn 'Umar' anhu that the Prophet Shallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Whoever swears on something, and then he uttered inshaAllah (if Allah wills), no fines it (if he breaks them)." Reported by Ahmad and Imam Four. Hadeeth by Ibn Hibban.

Hadith 7th
Radliyallaahu Ibn Umar 'anhu said: Oath Shallallaahu Prophet' alaihi wa sallam is: No, by reversing the heart. "Bukhari.

Hadith 8th
Abdullah Ibn Umar Radliyallaahu 'anhu said: An Arab Bedouin meet the Prophet Shallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam and asked: Messenger of Allah, whether it's big sins? -perawi continue hadith, and in it disebutkan- "false Oath." In a hadith that I ask: What is perjury? He said: "I swear that used to take the wealth of the Muslims, even though he was lying." Muslim history.

Hadith 9th
From 'Aisha Radliyallaahu' anhu about His word (meaning = God will not require oaths unintentional), he said: That is what people are saying: No, by God, and true, for the sake of Allah. "Bukhari, Abu Dawood narrated with marfu '.

From Abu Hurairah Radliyallaahu 'anhu that the Prophet Shallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "Verily Allah has 99 names, memorize whoever he go to heaven." Alaihi muttafaq. Tirmidhi and Ibn Hibban parse Reviews These names, in fact mention the names it is an intrusion by some narrators


Osama Ibn Zaid Radliyallaahu 'anhu that the Prophet Shallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "Whoever is given a favor, then he uttered to the grantor's: May God reward you with goodness he has been perfect to give a compliment." Tirmidhi history and graded Saheeh by Ibn Hibban.


