A Brief History of Imam Shafi'i
Name and nasab
He named Muhammad Abu Abdillah kun-yah. Nasab complete he is Muhammad ibn Idris ibn al-'Abbas ibn 'Uthman bin Shafi' ibn as-Saib bin 'Ubayd ibn Zayd ibn Hashim ibn Abd al-Muttalib bin' Abd Manaf ibn Qusai. Nasab he met the Prophet nasab yourself 'Abdu Manaf ibn Qusai. By doing so, he still including biological relatives still unaccounted for descendants of the Prophet's uncle away to him, namely Hashim ibn al-Muttalib.
Mr him, Idris, was from day came (An area in the region Tihamah on the way to Yemen). He is a man dispossessed. Initially he lived in Medina and then moved and settled in 'Asqalan (seaside town in the Palestinian territories) and died in a state still young there. Shafi ', the grandfather of his grandfather, his name became a source attribution -which he (Shafi) - according to some scholars was a friend of Shigar (junior) of the Prophet. As-Saib, Mr. Shafi ', itself included kibar friend (senior) who has a physical resemblance to the Prophet. He was included in the ranks of Quraysh idolaters figures in the Battle of Badr. When he captured and redeem himself and declared himself converted to Islam.
Historians and scholars nasab and hadith experts agree that Imam Shafi'i descended from pure Arabic. Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim had testified that they'll validity nasabnya and ketersambungannya with nasab Prophet, then they denied the opinions of a group of people from among Malikiyah and Hanafiyah stating that Imam Shafi'i not be nasab Qureish native descent, but only descendant wala 'only.
As for his mother, there are differences of opinion about his true identity. Some opinions say he was a descendant of al-Hasan ibn 'Ali ibn Abu Talib, while others cite a woman from the tribe Azadiyah which has kun-yah Umm Habibah. Imam an-Nawawi confirms that Imam Shafi's mother was a woman of keen worshiper and have high intelligence. He was a faqih in religious matters and has the ability to perform istinbath.
Time and Place of Birth
He was born in 150H. In the same year, Abu Hanifah died thus commented upon by al-Hakim as a sign that he is a substitute for Abu Hanifa in the field is practiced.
On the place of his birth, a lot of history that says a few different places. However, the illustrious and agreed upon by historians is Ghazzah city (a city located in the border region of Syria towards Egypt. Precisely in the south of Palestine. The distance to the city about two farsakh Asqalan). Another place that was mentioned is the city of Asqalan and Yemen.
Ibn Hajar explained that the narrations can be combined with said that he was born in a place called Ghazzah in Asqalan area. When it was two years old, he was taken by his mother to the land of Hijaz and mingle with the country's population of Yemenis because she came from the tribe of Azdiyah (from Yemen). Then when he was 10 years old, he was brought to Mecca, because the mother was worried nasabnya glorious lost and forgotten.
Its growth and wanderings for Science
In Mecca, Imam Shafi 'i and his mother lived near Syi'bu al-Khaif. There, his mother sent him to study with a teacher. Actually, her mother can not afford to pay for it, but the teacher turned out to be willing not paid after seeing the intelligence and speed to memorize. Imam Shafi'i said, "In al-Kuttab (a school where memorizing the Qur'an), I see a teacher who was teaching them his students read verses of the Koran, then I go to memorize. Until when I memorize everything he had dictated, he said to me, "It is not lawful for me take any salary from you." And it turned out later with the teacher immediately appointed him as his successor (supervising other students) if he was not there. So, not to mention the age of puberty, he has turned into a teacher.
Once completed memorizing the Qur'an in al-Kuttab, he then switched to the Haram to attend assemblies science there. Even living in poverty, he did not despair in studying. He collects pottery shards, pieces of bark, palm frond, and camel bone to be used to write. To the extent that his mother's jars filled with bones, fragments of pottery, and the stem of dates that have been read the hadiths of the Prophet. And it happened when he was not yet aged baligh. Until it is said that he had memorized the Qur'an at the age of 7 years, and then read and memorize the book Al-Muwatta 'of Imam Malik at the age of 12 years before he met directly with Imam Malik in Medina.
He is also interested in studying Arabic and his poems. He decided to stay in the countryside with the tribe Hudzail already famous eloquence and purity of the language, and their poems. As a result, on his return from there he has managed to control their fluency and memorize the whole poem them, and to know nasab Arabs, something that was later widely praised by Arab linguists who've met him and that life afterward. However, the destiny God has set another path for him. After getting advice from the two clerics, the Muslim ibn Khalid az-Zanji -mufti Mekkah- city, and al-Husayn ibn 'Ali ibn Yazid in order to explore the science of jurisprudence, then he was moved to dive in and start his doing his odyssey in search of knowledge.
He began by menimbanya of scholars city, Mecca, as Muslim bin Khalid, Dawud ibn Abdurrahman al-'Athar, Muhammad bin Ali bin Shafi '-which still unaccounted uncle jauhnya-, Sufyan bin' Uyainah -ahli Mekkah- hadith, Abdurrahman bin Abu Bakr al-Maliki, Sa'id bin Salim, Fudhail bin 'Iyad, and others. In Mecca, he studied the science of jurisprudence, hadith, lughoh, and Muwatta 'of Imam Malik. In addition, he also learned the skills of archery and horseback riding to become proficient as a realization of his understanding of verse 60 of Surat al-Anfal. It is even said that the release of the 10 arrows, 9 of them must have hit the target.
After receiving permission from his sheikhs to berfatwa, arising desire to wander down to the medina, Dar as-Sunnah, to take knowledge from the clerical. Moreover, there is no Imam Malik bin Anas, the author of al-Muwatta '. So he went there to meet with the imam. In the presence of Imam Malik, he read al-Muwatta 'that has been memorized in Mecca, and on occasion it made Imam Malik admired him. He underwent mulazamah to Imam Malik for the sake of taking knowledge from her until the imam's death in 179. In addition to Imam Malik, he also took the science of Madinah scholars such as Abu Yahya Ibrahim bin 'Abdul' Aziz ad-Darawardi, Athaf bin Khalid, Isma 'il bin Ja'far, Ibrahim ibn Sa'd and many more.
After returning to Mecca, he then went to Yemen to seek knowledge. There he took the science of Mutharrif bin Mazin and Hisham ibn Yusuf al-Qadi, as well as others. However, originated from Yemen is he getting trials -one thing that is always faced by scholars, before and after beliau-. In Yemen, his name became well known for a number of activities and determination to uphold justice, and his fame until well into the ears of the residents of Mecca. Then, people who are not pleased with him as a result of its activities was ratting to the Caliph Harun ar-Rashid, they accused him of fomenting rebellion want with the people of the Alawiyah.
As in history, Imam Shafi lived in the early days of the reign of Bani 'Abbasids who seized power from the Umayyads. At that time, each caliph of the Bani 'Abbasids almost always face the people's revolt of the' Alawiyah. This fact makes them behave very ruthless in putting people's revolt 'actual Alawiyah still their brother as a fellow Banu Hashim. And inscribe it deep sadness at the Muslims in general and yourself in particular Shafi'i. He saw people of Ahlu Bait Prophet pathetic face of natural disasters of the ruler. So different from the attitude of the jurisprudent in others, he also appeared openly of his love to them without the slightest fear, an attitude which time it will make the owner feel very hard life.
His attitude made him to be accused of being tasyayyu ', whereas a completely different attitude to the tasysyu' model Shi'ite people. Even Imam Shafi'i balked attitude tasysyu 'model they believe the invalidity of priestly Abu Bakr, Umar and' Uthman, and Ali just believe in the priesthood, and they believe the infallibility of the imam. While his devotion to the Ahlu Bait is a love based on the commands contained in the Qur'an or hadiths authentic. And the love he turned out not necessarily make considered by the Shia as a jurist their schools.
False testimony against him that he was about fomenting rebellion, making it arrested and herded into Baghdad in a state bound in chains with a number of people 'Alawiyah. He together with those 'Alawiyah it faced before the Caliph Harun ar-Rashid. Khalifah ordered his subordinates to prepare the sword and leather overlays. After checking them one by one, he sent his servants to behead them. When it came to the turn, Imam Shafi tried to give an explanation to the Caliph. With wit and composure and the defense of Muhammad ibn al-Hasan -ahli Iraq-fiqh, he managed to convince the Caliph of his lack of what is alleged. Finally he left the house of Harun ar-Rashid in a clean state from charges of conspiring with 'Alawiyah and get a chance to stay in Baghdad.
In Baghdad, he was back in his native activities, seek knowledge. He researched and studied school of Ahlu Ra'yu. For that he studied with mulazamah to Muhammad bin al-Hassan. In addition, to Isma'il ibn 'Abdul Wahhab Ulayyah and ats-Tsaqafiy and others. After grabbing the science of the scholars of Iraq, he returned to Mecca when his name began to be known. Then he began to teach in the first place he was studying. When the pilgrimage season arrives, thousands of pilgrims flock to Mecca. Those who had heard his name and his knowledge is amazing, eager to follow his teaching until his name more widely known. One of them is Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal.
When kamasyhurannya to the city of Baghdad, Imam Abdurrahman bin Mahdi sent letters to Imam Shafi asked him to write a book that contains the maqbul khabar-khabar, explanation of nasikh and mansukh of Quranic verses and others. So he wrote his book famous, Ar-Risalah.
After more than 9 years of teaching in Mecca, he again traveled to Iraq for a second time in order to help schools Ash-habul Hadith there. He got a standing ovation in Baghdad because of the great scholars there has been mention of his name. With his arrival, the group Ash-habul Hadith feel a fresh breeze because previously they feel is dominated by Ahlu Ra'yi. To the extent that it is said that when he came to Baghdad, in the Jami 'al-Gharbi, there are about 20 halakah Ahlu Ra' yu. But when Friday came, leaving only 2 or 3 Halaqah only.
He lived in Iraq for two years, later in the year 197 he returned to Mecca. There he began to spread madzhabnya own. Then came the prosecution of science to him gulp of ocean science. But he had only been a year in Mecca.
198 years, he went back to Iraq. However, he was only a few months there because there have been political changes. Caliph al-Ma'mun had been controlled by the scholars kalam experts, and get stuck in discussions about theology. While Imam Shafi'i was the one who knew all about theology. He knows how this science contradiction with manhaj as-Salaf al-righteous-which had been dipegangnya- in understanding the issues of the Shari'a. It was because the people of the pen makes sense as the main criterion in the face of any problem, making reference in understanding the law when they know that the mind also has limitations. He knows very well hatred ahlu meraka to scholars of hadith. That is why he refused their schools.
And that fact. Provocation they make Khalifah bring many disasters to the scholars of hadith ahlu. One is known as Yaumul mihnah, when he gathered the scholars to test and force them to accept it being understood Koran. As a result, many scholars who went to prison, if not killed. One of them is Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal. Because of that change, Imam Shafi'i then decided to go to Egypt. Actually, his heart refused to go there, but eventually he submitted himself to the will of God. In Egypt, he received the society. There he was preaching, spread knowledge, and wrote a number of books, including revising his book ar-Risalah, until he met the end of his life there.
Defending Sunnah steadfastness
As a follow manhaj Ash-habul Hadith, he thought of charging a problem, especially problems aqidah always make the Qur'an and Sunnah as the basis and legal sources. He always mentions the arguments of both and make proof in the face of opponents, especially from among experts Kalam. He said, "If you have to get the Sunnah of the Prophet, so follow and do you turn to take the opinion of others." Because of its commitment to follow the Sunnah and defend it, he got the title of Nasir al-Sunnah wa al-Hadith.
There are many atsar about his distaste for Science Experts Kalam, given the differences in methodology of him with them. He said, "Everyone who speaks (mutakallim) with the source of the Qur'an and the Sunnah, then his words are true, but if it is from other than the two, then the words just sheer delirium." Imam Ahmad said, "For Shafi'i if it has been assured by keshahihan a hadith, he will deliver. And behaviors that best is that he was not interested at all in theology, and more interested in jurisprudence. "Imam Shafi 'i said," There's nothing more I hate than theology and expert "Al-Mazani said," It is madzhab Imam Shafi 'i hate rushing in theology. He forbade us busy in theology. "
Hostility him to a level to give a fatwa that legal experts theology is struck with the stem of the palm, and then raised to the top of the camel's back and led around among tribes by announcing that it was a punishment for the person who left the Qur'an and Sunnah and choose theology ,
Death of
Because of his work of preaching and spreading knowledge, he suffered from hemorrhoids were always bleeding. The longer the disease was getting worse until finally he died because of it. He died on Friday night after the Isha prayer 'last day of the month of Rajab beginning of the year 204 at the age of 54 years. May God give him the grace of His extensive.
Ar-Rabi said that he dreamed of seeing Imam Shafi'i, after his death. He said to him, "What God has done to you, O Abu Abd Allah?" He replied, "God put me on a chair in gold and sprinkled myself delicate pearls"
Though he only lived for half a century and preoccupations to travel far to seek knowledge, that does not stop him from writing many books. The amount according to Ibn Zulaq reached 200 parts, while according to al-Marwaziy reached 113 books of tafsir, jurisprudence, manners and others. Yaqut al-Hamawi said the number reached 174 book titles mentioned by Ibn al-Nadim in al-Fahrasat.
The most famous of his books is al-Umm, consisting of 4 volumes contains 128 problems, and ar-Risalah al-Jadidah (which has been the revision) of the Qur'an and Sunnah and status within the Shari'a.
Learn to relax.
Name and nasab
He named Muhammad Abu Abdillah kun-yah. Nasab complete he is Muhammad ibn Idris ibn al-'Abbas ibn 'Uthman bin Shafi' ibn as-Saib bin 'Ubayd ibn Zayd ibn Hashim ibn Abd al-Muttalib bin' Abd Manaf ibn Qusai. Nasab he met the Prophet nasab yourself 'Abdu Manaf ibn Qusai. By doing so, he still including biological relatives still unaccounted for descendants of the Prophet's uncle away to him, namely Hashim ibn al-Muttalib.
Mr him, Idris, was from day came (An area in the region Tihamah on the way to Yemen). He is a man dispossessed. Initially he lived in Medina and then moved and settled in 'Asqalan (seaside town in the Palestinian territories) and died in a state still young there. Shafi ', the grandfather of his grandfather, his name became a source attribution -which he (Shafi) - according to some scholars was a friend of Shigar (junior) of the Prophet. As-Saib, Mr. Shafi ', itself included kibar friend (senior) who has a physical resemblance to the Prophet. He was included in the ranks of Quraysh idolaters figures in the Battle of Badr. When he captured and redeem himself and declared himself converted to Islam.
Historians and scholars nasab and hadith experts agree that Imam Shafi'i descended from pure Arabic. Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim had testified that they'll validity nasabnya and ketersambungannya with nasab Prophet, then they denied the opinions of a group of people from among Malikiyah and Hanafiyah stating that Imam Shafi'i not be nasab Qureish native descent, but only descendant wala 'only.
As for his mother, there are differences of opinion about his true identity. Some opinions say he was a descendant of al-Hasan ibn 'Ali ibn Abu Talib, while others cite a woman from the tribe Azadiyah which has kun-yah Umm Habibah. Imam an-Nawawi confirms that Imam Shafi's mother was a woman of keen worshiper and have high intelligence. He was a faqih in religious matters and has the ability to perform istinbath.
Time and Place of Birth
He was born in 150H. In the same year, Abu Hanifah died thus commented upon by al-Hakim as a sign that he is a substitute for Abu Hanifa in the field is practiced.
On the place of his birth, a lot of history that says a few different places. However, the illustrious and agreed upon by historians is Ghazzah city (a city located in the border region of Syria towards Egypt. Precisely in the south of Palestine. The distance to the city about two farsakh Asqalan). Another place that was mentioned is the city of Asqalan and Yemen.
Ibn Hajar explained that the narrations can be combined with said that he was born in a place called Ghazzah in Asqalan area. When it was two years old, he was taken by his mother to the land of Hijaz and mingle with the country's population of Yemenis because she came from the tribe of Azdiyah (from Yemen). Then when he was 10 years old, he was brought to Mecca, because the mother was worried nasabnya glorious lost and forgotten.
Its growth and wanderings for Science
In Mecca, Imam Shafi 'i and his mother lived near Syi'bu al-Khaif. There, his mother sent him to study with a teacher. Actually, her mother can not afford to pay for it, but the teacher turned out to be willing not paid after seeing the intelligence and speed to memorize. Imam Shafi'i said, "In al-Kuttab (a school where memorizing the Qur'an), I see a teacher who was teaching them his students read verses of the Koran, then I go to memorize. Until when I memorize everything he had dictated, he said to me, "It is not lawful for me take any salary from you." And it turned out later with the teacher immediately appointed him as his successor (supervising other students) if he was not there. So, not to mention the age of puberty, he has turned into a teacher.
Once completed memorizing the Qur'an in al-Kuttab, he then switched to the Haram to attend assemblies science there. Even living in poverty, he did not despair in studying. He collects pottery shards, pieces of bark, palm frond, and camel bone to be used to write. To the extent that his mother's jars filled with bones, fragments of pottery, and the stem of dates that have been read the hadiths of the Prophet. And it happened when he was not yet aged baligh. Until it is said that he had memorized the Qur'an at the age of 7 years, and then read and memorize the book Al-Muwatta 'of Imam Malik at the age of 12 years before he met directly with Imam Malik in Medina.
He is also interested in studying Arabic and his poems. He decided to stay in the countryside with the tribe Hudzail already famous eloquence and purity of the language, and their poems. As a result, on his return from there he has managed to control their fluency and memorize the whole poem them, and to know nasab Arabs, something that was later widely praised by Arab linguists who've met him and that life afterward. However, the destiny God has set another path for him. After getting advice from the two clerics, the Muslim ibn Khalid az-Zanji -mufti Mekkah- city, and al-Husayn ibn 'Ali ibn Yazid in order to explore the science of jurisprudence, then he was moved to dive in and start his doing his odyssey in search of knowledge.
He began by menimbanya of scholars city, Mecca, as Muslim bin Khalid, Dawud ibn Abdurrahman al-'Athar, Muhammad bin Ali bin Shafi '-which still unaccounted uncle jauhnya-, Sufyan bin' Uyainah -ahli Mekkah- hadith, Abdurrahman bin Abu Bakr al-Maliki, Sa'id bin Salim, Fudhail bin 'Iyad, and others. In Mecca, he studied the science of jurisprudence, hadith, lughoh, and Muwatta 'of Imam Malik. In addition, he also learned the skills of archery and horseback riding to become proficient as a realization of his understanding of verse 60 of Surat al-Anfal. It is even said that the release of the 10 arrows, 9 of them must have hit the target.
After receiving permission from his sheikhs to berfatwa, arising desire to wander down to the medina, Dar as-Sunnah, to take knowledge from the clerical. Moreover, there is no Imam Malik bin Anas, the author of al-Muwatta '. So he went there to meet with the imam. In the presence of Imam Malik, he read al-Muwatta 'that has been memorized in Mecca, and on occasion it made Imam Malik admired him. He underwent mulazamah to Imam Malik for the sake of taking knowledge from her until the imam's death in 179. In addition to Imam Malik, he also took the science of Madinah scholars such as Abu Yahya Ibrahim bin 'Abdul' Aziz ad-Darawardi, Athaf bin Khalid, Isma 'il bin Ja'far, Ibrahim ibn Sa'd and many more.
After returning to Mecca, he then went to Yemen to seek knowledge. There he took the science of Mutharrif bin Mazin and Hisham ibn Yusuf al-Qadi, as well as others. However, originated from Yemen is he getting trials -one thing that is always faced by scholars, before and after beliau-. In Yemen, his name became well known for a number of activities and determination to uphold justice, and his fame until well into the ears of the residents of Mecca. Then, people who are not pleased with him as a result of its activities was ratting to the Caliph Harun ar-Rashid, they accused him of fomenting rebellion want with the people of the Alawiyah.
As in history, Imam Shafi lived in the early days of the reign of Bani 'Abbasids who seized power from the Umayyads. At that time, each caliph of the Bani 'Abbasids almost always face the people's revolt of the' Alawiyah. This fact makes them behave very ruthless in putting people's revolt 'actual Alawiyah still their brother as a fellow Banu Hashim. And inscribe it deep sadness at the Muslims in general and yourself in particular Shafi'i. He saw people of Ahlu Bait Prophet pathetic face of natural disasters of the ruler. So different from the attitude of the jurisprudent in others, he also appeared openly of his love to them without the slightest fear, an attitude which time it will make the owner feel very hard life.
His attitude made him to be accused of being tasyayyu ', whereas a completely different attitude to the tasysyu' model Shi'ite people. Even Imam Shafi'i balked attitude tasysyu 'model they believe the invalidity of priestly Abu Bakr, Umar and' Uthman, and Ali just believe in the priesthood, and they believe the infallibility of the imam. While his devotion to the Ahlu Bait is a love based on the commands contained in the Qur'an or hadiths authentic. And the love he turned out not necessarily make considered by the Shia as a jurist their schools.
False testimony against him that he was about fomenting rebellion, making it arrested and herded into Baghdad in a state bound in chains with a number of people 'Alawiyah. He together with those 'Alawiyah it faced before the Caliph Harun ar-Rashid. Khalifah ordered his subordinates to prepare the sword and leather overlays. After checking them one by one, he sent his servants to behead them. When it came to the turn, Imam Shafi tried to give an explanation to the Caliph. With wit and composure and the defense of Muhammad ibn al-Hasan -ahli Iraq-fiqh, he managed to convince the Caliph of his lack of what is alleged. Finally he left the house of Harun ar-Rashid in a clean state from charges of conspiring with 'Alawiyah and get a chance to stay in Baghdad.
In Baghdad, he was back in his native activities, seek knowledge. He researched and studied school of Ahlu Ra'yu. For that he studied with mulazamah to Muhammad bin al-Hassan. In addition, to Isma'il ibn 'Abdul Wahhab Ulayyah and ats-Tsaqafiy and others. After grabbing the science of the scholars of Iraq, he returned to Mecca when his name began to be known. Then he began to teach in the first place he was studying. When the pilgrimage season arrives, thousands of pilgrims flock to Mecca. Those who had heard his name and his knowledge is amazing, eager to follow his teaching until his name more widely known. One of them is Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal.
When kamasyhurannya to the city of Baghdad, Imam Abdurrahman bin Mahdi sent letters to Imam Shafi asked him to write a book that contains the maqbul khabar-khabar, explanation of nasikh and mansukh of Quranic verses and others. So he wrote his book famous, Ar-Risalah.
After more than 9 years of teaching in Mecca, he again traveled to Iraq for a second time in order to help schools Ash-habul Hadith there. He got a standing ovation in Baghdad because of the great scholars there has been mention of his name. With his arrival, the group Ash-habul Hadith feel a fresh breeze because previously they feel is dominated by Ahlu Ra'yi. To the extent that it is said that when he came to Baghdad, in the Jami 'al-Gharbi, there are about 20 halakah Ahlu Ra' yu. But when Friday came, leaving only 2 or 3 Halaqah only.
He lived in Iraq for two years, later in the year 197 he returned to Mecca. There he began to spread madzhabnya own. Then came the prosecution of science to him gulp of ocean science. But he had only been a year in Mecca.
198 years, he went back to Iraq. However, he was only a few months there because there have been political changes. Caliph al-Ma'mun had been controlled by the scholars kalam experts, and get stuck in discussions about theology. While Imam Shafi'i was the one who knew all about theology. He knows how this science contradiction with manhaj as-Salaf al-righteous-which had been dipegangnya- in understanding the issues of the Shari'a. It was because the people of the pen makes sense as the main criterion in the face of any problem, making reference in understanding the law when they know that the mind also has limitations. He knows very well hatred ahlu meraka to scholars of hadith. That is why he refused their schools.
And that fact. Provocation they make Khalifah bring many disasters to the scholars of hadith ahlu. One is known as Yaumul mihnah, when he gathered the scholars to test and force them to accept it being understood Koran. As a result, many scholars who went to prison, if not killed. One of them is Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal. Because of that change, Imam Shafi'i then decided to go to Egypt. Actually, his heart refused to go there, but eventually he submitted himself to the will of God. In Egypt, he received the society. There he was preaching, spread knowledge, and wrote a number of books, including revising his book ar-Risalah, until he met the end of his life there.
Defending Sunnah steadfastness
As a follow manhaj Ash-habul Hadith, he thought of charging a problem, especially problems aqidah always make the Qur'an and Sunnah as the basis and legal sources. He always mentions the arguments of both and make proof in the face of opponents, especially from among experts Kalam. He said, "If you have to get the Sunnah of the Prophet, so follow and do you turn to take the opinion of others." Because of its commitment to follow the Sunnah and defend it, he got the title of Nasir al-Sunnah wa al-Hadith.
There are many atsar about his distaste for Science Experts Kalam, given the differences in methodology of him with them. He said, "Everyone who speaks (mutakallim) with the source of the Qur'an and the Sunnah, then his words are true, but if it is from other than the two, then the words just sheer delirium." Imam Ahmad said, "For Shafi'i if it has been assured by keshahihan a hadith, he will deliver. And behaviors that best is that he was not interested at all in theology, and more interested in jurisprudence. "Imam Shafi 'i said," There's nothing more I hate than theology and expert "Al-Mazani said," It is madzhab Imam Shafi 'i hate rushing in theology. He forbade us busy in theology. "
Hostility him to a level to give a fatwa that legal experts theology is struck with the stem of the palm, and then raised to the top of the camel's back and led around among tribes by announcing that it was a punishment for the person who left the Qur'an and Sunnah and choose theology ,
Death of
Because of his work of preaching and spreading knowledge, he suffered from hemorrhoids were always bleeding. The longer the disease was getting worse until finally he died because of it. He died on Friday night after the Isha prayer 'last day of the month of Rajab beginning of the year 204 at the age of 54 years. May God give him the grace of His extensive.
Ar-Rabi said that he dreamed of seeing Imam Shafi'i, after his death. He said to him, "What God has done to you, O Abu Abd Allah?" He replied, "God put me on a chair in gold and sprinkled myself delicate pearls"
Though he only lived for half a century and preoccupations to travel far to seek knowledge, that does not stop him from writing many books. The amount according to Ibn Zulaq reached 200 parts, while according to al-Marwaziy reached 113 books of tafsir, jurisprudence, manners and others. Yaqut al-Hamawi said the number reached 174 book titles mentioned by Ibn al-Nadim in al-Fahrasat.
The most famous of his books is al-Umm, consisting of 4 volumes contains 128 problems, and ar-Risalah al-Jadidah (which has been the revision) of the Qur'an and Sunnah and status within the Shari'a.
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