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A Brief History of Imam Hanbali
"He is the most scholarly students that I have encountered during in Baghdad. His attitude face trial and bear pressure Abbasid caliphs disastrous result for 15 years for refusing to official doctrine Mu'tazila a living witness of the great character and persistence mengabdikannya as a great figure of all time." This assessment was expressed by Imam Shafi'i, who was none other than Imam Hanbali teacher. According to Shafi, the struggle for confidence that is not in accordance with the person's thinking, always face the risk of life and death. And Imam Hanbali proves it.
Imam Hanbali known experts and scholars of hadith is indeed very giving great attention to the science on this one. Persistence and sincerity has produced many famous scholars and narrators such as Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim and Imam Abu Daud that no other fruit didikannya. Their works such as Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Daud or became standard hadith book that became a reference Muslims around the world in understanding Islamic teachings conveyed the Prophet Muhammad through the hadith-hadith.
Imam Hanbali expertise in the science of hadith is no doubt that invited many prominent scholars studied him. According to his eldest son, Abdullah bin Ahmad, Imam Hanbali up to 700,000 hadiths memorized by rote.
Hadith amount, rigorously selected and written back in his book Al-Musnad. In the book, only 40,000 hadiths rewritten with an orderly arrangement by companions who narrated name. Generally hadith in this book berderajat valid and only some degree is weak. Based on research Abdul Aziz al-Khuli, a language scholars who wrote biographies of companions, in fact contained in the hadith Al Musnad amounted to 30 thousand since there are about 10 thousand hadith are repeated.
Versatility Hanbali Imam in the science of hadith and not come just like that. Baghdad-born figure, 780 M (died 855 AD), known as persistent explore the science scholars. Born with the name of Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Hanbal, Imam Hanbali raised by his mother, because his father died at a young age. Until the age of 16 years, Hanbali study the Koran and other religious sciences to the scholars of Baghdad.
After that, he visited the famous scholars in various places like Kufa, Basra, Syria, Yemen, Mecca and Medina. Some teachers include Khalid bin Hammad, Ismail bil Aliyyah, Muzaffar bin Mudrik, Walin bin Muslim, and Musa bin Tariq. From them steeped young Hanbali fiqh, hadith, tafsir, kalam, and language. Because the intelligence and diligence, Hanbali can absorb all the lessons well.
His passion for science is so incredible. Therefore, every time I hear there are famous scholar somewhere, he was willing to travel long distances and long time just to gain knowledge of the cleric. Love of science that makes Hanbali nevertheless willing to not get married at a young age. He had married after the age of 40 years.
The first time, he was married to Aisha bint Fadl and had a son named Saleh. When Aisha died, he remarried with Raihanah and blessed with a son named Abdullah. His second wife died and Hanbali married for the last time with a jariyah, a slave woman named Husinah. Him she obtained five children namely Zainab Hasan, Husain, Muhammad, and Said.
Not only clever, Imam Hanbali known assiduous prayer and generous. Imam Ibrahim bin Hani, one of the famous scholars who became his friend became a witness to asceticism Imam Hanbali. '' Almost every day he fasted and too little sleep once during the night. He has more prayers and Witr night until Fajr arrived, '' he said.
Regarding generosity, Imam Yahya bin Hilal, one of the scholars of Jurists, said, '' I've come to the Imam Hanbali, and then I was given the money as much as four dirhams and said, 'This is a provision that I gained today and all of them give you.' ' '
Imam Hanbali also known steadfast in his establishment. In his lifetime, the flow Mu'tazila triumphant. Support Caliph Al Ma'mun of the Abbasid dynasty that make this flow as the official state schools make clerical furious. One of the teachings of forced adherents Mutazilis is understood the Qur'an is a creature or creatures of God. Many Muslims who reject that view.
Imam Hanbali including opposing ideologies. As a result, he was imprisoned and tortured by Mu'tasim, son Al Mamun. Every day he was flogged and beaten. This torture lasted until Al Wasiq succeeded his father, Mu'tasim. The torture that established a Hanbali attitude against misguided understand it. His attitude makes people more sympathetic to him, so that more and more followers, although he languished in prison.
After the death of Al Wasiq, Imam Hanbali breathe the air of freedom. Al Mutawakkil, the replacement, freeing Imam Hanbali and glorify it. His name even more famous and many are scholars from various parts of her study. The scholars who studied him, among others, Imam Hasan ibn Musa, Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Abu Daud, Imam Abu Zur'ah Ad Dimasyqi, Imam Abu Zuhrah, Imam Ibn Abi and Imam Abu Bakr Al Asram.
As are the three other priest; Shafi'i, Hanafi and Maliki, by the students, the teachings of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbali used as a benchmark in amaliyah (practice) ritual, especially in matters of jurisprudence. As the founder of the school of Imam Hanbali give special attention to the religious rituals, especially those originating in the Sunnah.
According to Ibn Qayyim, one of the followers of the Hanbali schools of thought, there are five basic foundation which is used as the basis for setting Hanbali school of law and fatwa. First, nash (Al-Qur'an and Sunnah). If he found the texts, then he will berfatwa with the Qur'an and Sunnah and do not turn to other sources. Second, the fatwa friend known nothing against it.
Third, if the friends have different views, he would choose the opinion judged more according to the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW. If it turns out that there is no clear opinion of the correspondence with the Qur'an and Sunnah, then he will not set one, but take reticence or narrated both.
Fourth, take mursal hadith (hadith in sanadnya remain anonymous narrators), and a weak hadith (hadith is weak, but not 'maudu', or a weak hadith). In this case, a weak hadith precedence over an analogy. And the fifth is an analogy, or analogy. Analogy used if no legal basis of the four sources above.
Initially developed only the Hanbali school of Baghdad. Only in the 6th century H, schools have flourished in Egypt. The rapid development occurred in the 11th century and the 12 H, thanks to the efforts of Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728 H) and Ibn Qayyim (d. 751 H). Both figures that opens the eyes of many people to give attention to the Hanbali school of fiqh, especially in the field muamalah. Now, schools are prevalent for many Muslims in the Middle East region.
The work of Imam Hanbali widespread in various religious educational institutions. Some of the book which he has studies among others Tafsir Al-Qur'an, An Nasikh wal Mansukh, Answer Qur'an, At Tarikh, Obedient ar Rasul and Al Wara. His book is the most famous Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal.
Source: http://www.kotasantri.com/galeria.php?aksi=DetailArtikel&artid=174
A Brief History of Imam Hanbali
(From muslim.or.id)
Nasab and Birth
He is Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Hanbal bin Hilal bin Asad bin Idris bin Abdullah bin Hayyan bin Abdullah bin Anas ibn 'Auf bin Qasith bin Mazin bin Syaiban bin Dzuhl bin Tha'labah adh-Dzuhli ash-Syaibaniy. Nasab he met the Prophet on self nasab Nizar bin Ma'd bin 'Adnan. Which means nasab also met with Abraham.
When he was still in the womb, his parents moved from the city Marwa, where his father lived, to the city of Baghdad. In the town he was born, precisely in Rabi Awwal -according to the opinion of the most masyhur- year 164 H.
His father, Mohammed, died at a young age, 30 years old, when he was three years old. His grandfather, Hanbal, moving to the Kharasan and became mayor Sarkhas during pemeritahan Bani Umawiyyah, then join the ranks of supporters of Bani 'Abbasids and hence come to feel the torture of Bani Umawiyyah. Mentioned that he previously was a commander.
Future Demands Science
Imam Ahmad grew up as an orphan. His mother, Safia bint Maimunah binti Abdul Malik ash-Syaibaniy, play a full role in educating and raising him. Fortunately, the father left for their two houses in Baghdad. That a they occupy themselves, while a longer they rent at a very cheap price. In this case, the state he is equal to the state of his Shaykh, Imam Shafi'i, the orphans and the poor, but still has a high spirit. Both also have a mother who is able to lead them to progress and glory.
He received his education first in the city of Baghdad. At that time, the city of Baghdad has become the center of civilization of the Islamic world, which is full of different human origin and their various cultures, and is full of various kinds of knowledge. There lived the reciters', hadith scholars, Sufis, linguists, philosophers, and so forth.
Setamatnya memorizing the Qur'an and study the sciences of Arabic in al-Kuttab at the age of 14, he continued his education to ad-Diwan. He continued studying with full azzam high and not easily shaken. His mother gave him a lot of guidance and encouragement. Do not forget to remind him that he still consider themselves state, especially in matters of health. About it he once told me, "Sometimes I wanted to leave early this morning taking (transmission) hadith, but she immediately took my clothes and said, 'Be patient first. Wait until adzan or after people finished the morning prayers. ' "
His attention when it was drawn to the middle of the desire take hadith narrators. He said that the first person from whom he took hadith is al-Qadi Abu Yusuf, the student / colleague Imam Abu Hanifah.
Imam Ahmad interested in writing hadith in the year 179 at the age of 16 years. He remained in Baghdad took hadith hadith sheikh of sheikhs-town until the year 186. He did mulazamah to the Shaykh, Hashim ibn Bashir bin Abu Hazim al-Wasithiy until the Shaykh's death in 183. Mentioned by his son that he took hadith from Hashim approximately three hundred thousand hadith more.
In 186, he began to travel (looking hadith) to Basrah and then to the land of Hijaz, Yemen, and in others. The most prominent figure who he met and took knowledge from her during a trip to the Hijaz and during the stay there is the Imam Shafi'i. He took hadith and avail lots of knowledge from her. Imam Shafi'i himself his very own glory and sometimes make him a reference in recognizing keshahihan a hadith. Other major clerics he took the science is Sufyan bin 'Uyainah, Ismail bin' Ulayyah, Waki 'bin al-Jarrah, Yahya al-Qaththan, Yazid ibn Harun, and others. He said, "I do not have time to meet with Imam Malik, but God replace me with Sufyan bin 'Uyainah. And I have not had also met with Hammad bin Zaid, but God replaced him with Ismail bin 'Ulayyah. "
Thus, he had a particular recording pursue hadith, and perseverance that keep her busy on other things to the point in the menage. He recently married after the age of 40 years. There were people who said to him, "O Abu Abdillah, you have achieved all of this. You have to become a priest of the Muslims. "He said," Together mahbarah (inkwell) up to Maqbarah (grave). I will continue studying until I get in the grave. "And it was always like that his circumstances: pursue hadith, giving fatwa, and other activities that benefit the Muslims. Meanwhile, the disciples gathered around him, took away from it (science) hadith, jurisprudence, and others. There are many scholars who never take knowledge of him, including his two sons, Abdullah and Saleh, Abu Zur 'ah, Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, al-Atsram, and others.
He compiled his book famous, al-Musnad, within a period of sixty years and it's been 180 years since the start of the first time he sought the hadith. He also compiled the books of tafsir, about an-nasikh and al-mansukh, on dates, on which Muqaddam and muakhkhar in the Qur'an, concerning those answers in the Koran. He also compiled the book of al-manasik ash-shagir and al-kabir, books az-Zuhud, the book ar-radd 'ala al-jahmies wa az-zindiqah (Rebuttal to jahmies and Zindiqah), books of as-Salah, the book of Sunnah , the book of al-Wara 'wa al-Iman, the book of al-'Ilal wa ar-Rijal, the book of al-Asyribah, one juz about Usul as-Sitta, Fadha'il ash-Shahabah.
Praise and Other Scholars Respect To him
Imam Shafi'i had proposed to the Caliph Harun ar-Rashid, in the final days of life caliphs, in order to lift the Imam Ahmad became qadhi in Yemen, but Imam Ahmad refused and said to Imam Shafi'i, "I come to you to take knowledge of you, but you actually told me to be qadhi for them. "After that in the year 195, Imam Shafi'i suggested the same thing to the Caliph al-Amin, but again the Imam Ahmad rejected.
One day, Imam Shafi'i enter upon Imam Ahmad and said, "You better know about the hadith and narrators-narrators. If there is a hadeeth (who you know), then please let me know. Insha Allah, if (narrators) of Kufa or Sham, I'm going come to him if it is authentic. "It shows the perfection of religion and reason Shafi'i because they want to restore science to the experts.
Imam Shafii also said, "I came out (left) Baghdad, while it was not I leave the city people are more wara ', more faqih, and more cautious than Ahmad ibn Hanbal."
Abdul Wahhab al-Warraq said, "I've never seen anyone like Ahmad bin Hanbal". People asked him, "In terms of whether of science and virtue that you turn your head over the other?" Al-Warraq said, "He is a man who when asked about 60,000 problem, he would answer by saying," It has been reported to us, "or," It has been conveyed hadith to us'. "Ahmad bin Syaiban said," I never saw Yazid bin Harun pay homage to someone greater than to Ahmad bin Hanbal. He would set him on his side if convey the hadith to us. He had great respect for him, do not want to joke with him ". Thus, when such is known that Harun bin Yazid was one of his teachers and is renowned as one of the priests huffazh.
Tenacity In Times Of Temptation
Has become inevitable that the life of a believer will not escape from the trials and tribulations, moreover, an alim who walk on the footsteps of the prophets and apostles. And Imam Ahmad among them. He was tested on three Abbasid caliphs over a span of 16 years.
In the reign of the Abbasid, clearly visible heeling ruling caliph makes elements of foreign (non-Arab) as a supporting force of their power. Caliph al-Ma'mun made the Persians as a supporting force, while al-Mu'tashim choose the Turks. As a result, it piecemeal weaknesses undermine their power. At that time began the translation into Arabic books of philosophy from Greece, Romania, Persia, and India with financial support from the authorities. As a result, it quickly spread various forms of heresy penetrated into the faith and worship of the Muslims. Various kinds of deviant groups that spread in the middle of them, like Qadhariyah, Jahmyah, Ash'arite, Rafidhah, Mu'tashilah, and others.
Mu'tashilah group, in particular, get support from the authorities, especially from the Caliph al-Ma'mun. They, under the leadership of Ibn Abi Duad, able to influence al-Ma'mun to justify and propagate their opinions, including opinions that deny the attributes of God, including the nature of kalam (talk). Departing from the denial that, in the year 212, Caliph al-Ma'mun then force the Muslims, especially their clerics, to believe kemakhlukan Koran.
Actually Harun ar-Rashid, the caliph before al-Ma'mun, has cracked down on kemakhlukan opinion about the Koran. During his life, no one would dare express that opinion as narrated by Muhammad bin Nuh, "I've heard Harun ar-Rashid said," It has reached the news to me that Bishr al-Muraisiy say that the Qur'an is a creature. Is my duty, if God authorize that person to me, I'm the law will undoubtedly kill him in a way that has never been done by anyone ''. When Caliph al-Rashid died and power into the hands of al-Amin, the group Mu'tazila tried to lead al-Amin into their group, but al-Amin rejected. Only later when the Caliphate went into the hands of al-Ma'mun, they are able to do so.
To force the Muslims receive opinions kemakhlukan Qur'an, al-Ma'mun to conduct exams to them. During the testing period, there are countless people who have been imprisoned, tortured, and even killed. Exam itself has occupied government and citizens both general and specific. He has become the talk of them, both in towns and in villages in the land of Iraq and in others. Has happened heated debate among scholars about it. Not counting those who reject the idea of kemakhlukan Koran, including Imam Ahmad. He consistently holds the opinion that the rights, that the Qur'an is kalamullah, not a creature.
Al-Ma'mun had even ordered his subordinates to bring Imam Ahmad and Muhammad bin Nuh to his presence in the city Thursus. Both clerics were finally herded into Thursus in a state shackles. Muhammad bin Nuh died on the way before it gets to Thursus, while Imam Ahmad was brought back to Baghdad and held there because it has been until the news of the death of al-Ma'mun (218 years). Mentioned that Imam Ahmad keep praying al-Ma'mun.
After the death of al-Ma'mun, the caliphate was passed over to his son, al-Mu'tasim. He has got a will of al-Ma'mun to forward the opinion kemakhlukan Koran and test people in it; and he also implement them. Imam Ahmad release from prison and reunited with Ibn Abi Duad and their allies. They argue with him about kemakhlukan Koran, but he was able to refute the objection that they can not deny. Finally he whipped until unconscious and then put back into jail and languished there for about 28 months-or 30s a month by the others. During that time he slept in a state of prayer and feet shackled.
During that time, every day al-Mu'tasim sent men to argue with him, but his answer remained the same, unchanged. As a result, al-Mu'tasim growing anger to him. He was threatening and cursing him, and ordered his subordinate whipping harder and add shackles on his feet. All of that, Imam Ahmad received with patience and persistence tub lofty mountain with kokohnya.
Pain and Death
Ultimately, he was released from prison. He returned home in a state of not being able to walk. After his wounds healed and his body was strong, she reiterated her lessons at the mosque to al-Mu'tasim died.
Furthermore, al-wathiq appointed caliph. No different from his father, al-Mu'tasim, al-wathiq continued examination carried his father and grandfather. he was still attachment to Ibn Abi Duad and their allies. As a result, Baghdad residents feel increasingly harsh ordeal. Al-wathiq prohibit Imam Ahmad exit gather together people. Finally, Imam Ahmad was hiding in his house, not out of it even to go out to teach or attend the prayer congregation. And it lived for about five years, ie until al-wathiq died in 232.
After al-wathiq's death, al-Mutawakkil rose replace it. During the two-year reign, a test of the Koran kemakhlukan still held. Later in the year 234, he stopped the exam. He announced to all parts of his kingdom kemakhlukan ban on opinion on the Koran and the threat of capital punishment for those who engage in it. He also instructed the experts of hadith to convey the hadiths about the attributes of God. So then, people were also delighted with the announcement. They praised the caliph of his decision and forget the ugliness-ugliness. Everywhere audible prayer for him and his name was mentioned along with the name of Abu Bakr, Umar ibn al-Khattab, and Umar bin Abdul Aziz.
Before he died he was ill for nine days. Hearing the pain, people were coming wanted to see him. They crowded in front of the door, to the extent that the sultan put people to stand guard at the front door. Finally, at the beginning of Friday the 12th of Rabi al-Awwal 241 years, he was facing the death that has picked his Lord dientukan him. Muslims are saddened by his departure. Not least those who helped usher his corpse until Hundreds of thousands of people. Some say 700 thousand people, others say 800 thousand people, some say up to a million more people who attend. Everything indicates that very many of those present at the time for the sake of showing respect and their love for him. He once said when he was healthy, "Tell ahlu heresy that the difference between us and you is (look at) the day of our death".
Such is a brief description of exams passed by Imam Ahmad. Seen how the great attitude he will not be taken except by people who are full of sincere firmness again. He acted like it was precisely when most other scholars reject the truth. And with determination on the truth that God gave him, he madzhab Ahlussunnah was ascribed to him because he was patient and steadfast in his defense. Ali bin al-Madiniy describe firmness Imam Ahmad said, "God has cemented this religion through two men, no three. Namely, Abu Bakr as-Siddiq on Yaumur Riddah (when many people are cut off at the beginning of his reign), and Ahmad ibn Hanbal on Yaumul mihnah ".
A Brief History of Imam Hanbali
"He is the most scholarly students that I have encountered during in Baghdad. His attitude face trial and bear pressure Abbasid caliphs disastrous result for 15 years for refusing to official doctrine Mu'tazila a living witness of the great character and persistence mengabdikannya as a great figure of all time." This assessment was expressed by Imam Shafi'i, who was none other than Imam Hanbali teacher. According to Shafi, the struggle for confidence that is not in accordance with the person's thinking, always face the risk of life and death. And Imam Hanbali proves it.
Imam Hanbali known experts and scholars of hadith is indeed very giving great attention to the science on this one. Persistence and sincerity has produced many famous scholars and narrators such as Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim and Imam Abu Daud that no other fruit didikannya. Their works such as Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Daud or became standard hadith book that became a reference Muslims around the world in understanding Islamic teachings conveyed the Prophet Muhammad through the hadith-hadith.
Imam Hanbali expertise in the science of hadith is no doubt that invited many prominent scholars studied him. According to his eldest son, Abdullah bin Ahmad, Imam Hanbali up to 700,000 hadiths memorized by rote.
Hadith amount, rigorously selected and written back in his book Al-Musnad. In the book, only 40,000 hadiths rewritten with an orderly arrangement by companions who narrated name. Generally hadith in this book berderajat valid and only some degree is weak. Based on research Abdul Aziz al-Khuli, a language scholars who wrote biographies of companions, in fact contained in the hadith Al Musnad amounted to 30 thousand since there are about 10 thousand hadith are repeated.
Versatility Hanbali Imam in the science of hadith and not come just like that. Baghdad-born figure, 780 M (died 855 AD), known as persistent explore the science scholars. Born with the name of Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Hanbal, Imam Hanbali raised by his mother, because his father died at a young age. Until the age of 16 years, Hanbali study the Koran and other religious sciences to the scholars of Baghdad.
After that, he visited the famous scholars in various places like Kufa, Basra, Syria, Yemen, Mecca and Medina. Some teachers include Khalid bin Hammad, Ismail bil Aliyyah, Muzaffar bin Mudrik, Walin bin Muslim, and Musa bin Tariq. From them steeped young Hanbali fiqh, hadith, tafsir, kalam, and language. Because the intelligence and diligence, Hanbali can absorb all the lessons well.
His passion for science is so incredible. Therefore, every time I hear there are famous scholar somewhere, he was willing to travel long distances and long time just to gain knowledge of the cleric. Love of science that makes Hanbali nevertheless willing to not get married at a young age. He had married after the age of 40 years.
The first time, he was married to Aisha bint Fadl and had a son named Saleh. When Aisha died, he remarried with Raihanah and blessed with a son named Abdullah. His second wife died and Hanbali married for the last time with a jariyah, a slave woman named Husinah. Him she obtained five children namely Zainab Hasan, Husain, Muhammad, and Said.
Not only clever, Imam Hanbali known assiduous prayer and generous. Imam Ibrahim bin Hani, one of the famous scholars who became his friend became a witness to asceticism Imam Hanbali. '' Almost every day he fasted and too little sleep once during the night. He has more prayers and Witr night until Fajr arrived, '' he said.
Regarding generosity, Imam Yahya bin Hilal, one of the scholars of Jurists, said, '' I've come to the Imam Hanbali, and then I was given the money as much as four dirhams and said, 'This is a provision that I gained today and all of them give you.' ' '
Imam Hanbali also known steadfast in his establishment. In his lifetime, the flow Mu'tazila triumphant. Support Caliph Al Ma'mun of the Abbasid dynasty that make this flow as the official state schools make clerical furious. One of the teachings of forced adherents Mutazilis is understood the Qur'an is a creature or creatures of God. Many Muslims who reject that view.
Imam Hanbali including opposing ideologies. As a result, he was imprisoned and tortured by Mu'tasim, son Al Mamun. Every day he was flogged and beaten. This torture lasted until Al Wasiq succeeded his father, Mu'tasim. The torture that established a Hanbali attitude against misguided understand it. His attitude makes people more sympathetic to him, so that more and more followers, although he languished in prison.
After the death of Al Wasiq, Imam Hanbali breathe the air of freedom. Al Mutawakkil, the replacement, freeing Imam Hanbali and glorify it. His name even more famous and many are scholars from various parts of her study. The scholars who studied him, among others, Imam Hasan ibn Musa, Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Abu Daud, Imam Abu Zur'ah Ad Dimasyqi, Imam Abu Zuhrah, Imam Ibn Abi and Imam Abu Bakr Al Asram.
As are the three other priest; Shafi'i, Hanafi and Maliki, by the students, the teachings of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbali used as a benchmark in amaliyah (practice) ritual, especially in matters of jurisprudence. As the founder of the school of Imam Hanbali give special attention to the religious rituals, especially those originating in the Sunnah.
According to Ibn Qayyim, one of the followers of the Hanbali schools of thought, there are five basic foundation which is used as the basis for setting Hanbali school of law and fatwa. First, nash (Al-Qur'an and Sunnah). If he found the texts, then he will berfatwa with the Qur'an and Sunnah and do not turn to other sources. Second, the fatwa friend known nothing against it.
Third, if the friends have different views, he would choose the opinion judged more according to the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW. If it turns out that there is no clear opinion of the correspondence with the Qur'an and Sunnah, then he will not set one, but take reticence or narrated both.
Fourth, take mursal hadith (hadith in sanadnya remain anonymous narrators), and a weak hadith (hadith is weak, but not 'maudu', or a weak hadith). In this case, a weak hadith precedence over an analogy. And the fifth is an analogy, or analogy. Analogy used if no legal basis of the four sources above.
Initially developed only the Hanbali school of Baghdad. Only in the 6th century H, schools have flourished in Egypt. The rapid development occurred in the 11th century and the 12 H, thanks to the efforts of Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728 H) and Ibn Qayyim (d. 751 H). Both figures that opens the eyes of many people to give attention to the Hanbali school of fiqh, especially in the field muamalah. Now, schools are prevalent for many Muslims in the Middle East region.
The work of Imam Hanbali widespread in various religious educational institutions. Some of the book which he has studies among others Tafsir Al-Qur'an, An Nasikh wal Mansukh, Answer Qur'an, At Tarikh, Obedient ar Rasul and Al Wara. His book is the most famous Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal.
Source: http://www.kotasantri.com/galeria.php?aksi=DetailArtikel&artid=174
A Brief History of Imam Hanbali
(From muslim.or.id)
Nasab and Birth
He is Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Hanbal bin Hilal bin Asad bin Idris bin Abdullah bin Hayyan bin Abdullah bin Anas ibn 'Auf bin Qasith bin Mazin bin Syaiban bin Dzuhl bin Tha'labah adh-Dzuhli ash-Syaibaniy. Nasab he met the Prophet on self nasab Nizar bin Ma'd bin 'Adnan. Which means nasab also met with Abraham.
When he was still in the womb, his parents moved from the city Marwa, where his father lived, to the city of Baghdad. In the town he was born, precisely in Rabi Awwal -according to the opinion of the most masyhur- year 164 H.
His father, Mohammed, died at a young age, 30 years old, when he was three years old. His grandfather, Hanbal, moving to the Kharasan and became mayor Sarkhas during pemeritahan Bani Umawiyyah, then join the ranks of supporters of Bani 'Abbasids and hence come to feel the torture of Bani Umawiyyah. Mentioned that he previously was a commander.
Future Demands Science
Imam Ahmad grew up as an orphan. His mother, Safia bint Maimunah binti Abdul Malik ash-Syaibaniy, play a full role in educating and raising him. Fortunately, the father left for their two houses in Baghdad. That a they occupy themselves, while a longer they rent at a very cheap price. In this case, the state he is equal to the state of his Shaykh, Imam Shafi'i, the orphans and the poor, but still has a high spirit. Both also have a mother who is able to lead them to progress and glory.
He received his education first in the city of Baghdad. At that time, the city of Baghdad has become the center of civilization of the Islamic world, which is full of different human origin and their various cultures, and is full of various kinds of knowledge. There lived the reciters', hadith scholars, Sufis, linguists, philosophers, and so forth.
Setamatnya memorizing the Qur'an and study the sciences of Arabic in al-Kuttab at the age of 14, he continued his education to ad-Diwan. He continued studying with full azzam high and not easily shaken. His mother gave him a lot of guidance and encouragement. Do not forget to remind him that he still consider themselves state, especially in matters of health. About it he once told me, "Sometimes I wanted to leave early this morning taking (transmission) hadith, but she immediately took my clothes and said, 'Be patient first. Wait until adzan or after people finished the morning prayers. ' "
His attention when it was drawn to the middle of the desire take hadith narrators. He said that the first person from whom he took hadith is al-Qadi Abu Yusuf, the student / colleague Imam Abu Hanifah.
Imam Ahmad interested in writing hadith in the year 179 at the age of 16 years. He remained in Baghdad took hadith hadith sheikh of sheikhs-town until the year 186. He did mulazamah to the Shaykh, Hashim ibn Bashir bin Abu Hazim al-Wasithiy until the Shaykh's death in 183. Mentioned by his son that he took hadith from Hashim approximately three hundred thousand hadith more.
In 186, he began to travel (looking hadith) to Basrah and then to the land of Hijaz, Yemen, and in others. The most prominent figure who he met and took knowledge from her during a trip to the Hijaz and during the stay there is the Imam Shafi'i. He took hadith and avail lots of knowledge from her. Imam Shafi'i himself his very own glory and sometimes make him a reference in recognizing keshahihan a hadith. Other major clerics he took the science is Sufyan bin 'Uyainah, Ismail bin' Ulayyah, Waki 'bin al-Jarrah, Yahya al-Qaththan, Yazid ibn Harun, and others. He said, "I do not have time to meet with Imam Malik, but God replace me with Sufyan bin 'Uyainah. And I have not had also met with Hammad bin Zaid, but God replaced him with Ismail bin 'Ulayyah. "
Thus, he had a particular recording pursue hadith, and perseverance that keep her busy on other things to the point in the menage. He recently married after the age of 40 years. There were people who said to him, "O Abu Abdillah, you have achieved all of this. You have to become a priest of the Muslims. "He said," Together mahbarah (inkwell) up to Maqbarah (grave). I will continue studying until I get in the grave. "And it was always like that his circumstances: pursue hadith, giving fatwa, and other activities that benefit the Muslims. Meanwhile, the disciples gathered around him, took away from it (science) hadith, jurisprudence, and others. There are many scholars who never take knowledge of him, including his two sons, Abdullah and Saleh, Abu Zur 'ah, Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, al-Atsram, and others.
He compiled his book famous, al-Musnad, within a period of sixty years and it's been 180 years since the start of the first time he sought the hadith. He also compiled the books of tafsir, about an-nasikh and al-mansukh, on dates, on which Muqaddam and muakhkhar in the Qur'an, concerning those answers in the Koran. He also compiled the book of al-manasik ash-shagir and al-kabir, books az-Zuhud, the book ar-radd 'ala al-jahmies wa az-zindiqah (Rebuttal to jahmies and Zindiqah), books of as-Salah, the book of Sunnah , the book of al-Wara 'wa al-Iman, the book of al-'Ilal wa ar-Rijal, the book of al-Asyribah, one juz about Usul as-Sitta, Fadha'il ash-Shahabah.
Praise and Other Scholars Respect To him
Imam Shafi'i had proposed to the Caliph Harun ar-Rashid, in the final days of life caliphs, in order to lift the Imam Ahmad became qadhi in Yemen, but Imam Ahmad refused and said to Imam Shafi'i, "I come to you to take knowledge of you, but you actually told me to be qadhi for them. "After that in the year 195, Imam Shafi'i suggested the same thing to the Caliph al-Amin, but again the Imam Ahmad rejected.
One day, Imam Shafi'i enter upon Imam Ahmad and said, "You better know about the hadith and narrators-narrators. If there is a hadeeth (who you know), then please let me know. Insha Allah, if (narrators) of Kufa or Sham, I'm going come to him if it is authentic. "It shows the perfection of religion and reason Shafi'i because they want to restore science to the experts.
Imam Shafii also said, "I came out (left) Baghdad, while it was not I leave the city people are more wara ', more faqih, and more cautious than Ahmad ibn Hanbal."
Abdul Wahhab al-Warraq said, "I've never seen anyone like Ahmad bin Hanbal". People asked him, "In terms of whether of science and virtue that you turn your head over the other?" Al-Warraq said, "He is a man who when asked about 60,000 problem, he would answer by saying," It has been reported to us, "or," It has been conveyed hadith to us'. "Ahmad bin Syaiban said," I never saw Yazid bin Harun pay homage to someone greater than to Ahmad bin Hanbal. He would set him on his side if convey the hadith to us. He had great respect for him, do not want to joke with him ". Thus, when such is known that Harun bin Yazid was one of his teachers and is renowned as one of the priests huffazh.
Tenacity In Times Of Temptation
Has become inevitable that the life of a believer will not escape from the trials and tribulations, moreover, an alim who walk on the footsteps of the prophets and apostles. And Imam Ahmad among them. He was tested on three Abbasid caliphs over a span of 16 years.
In the reign of the Abbasid, clearly visible heeling ruling caliph makes elements of foreign (non-Arab) as a supporting force of their power. Caliph al-Ma'mun made the Persians as a supporting force, while al-Mu'tashim choose the Turks. As a result, it piecemeal weaknesses undermine their power. At that time began the translation into Arabic books of philosophy from Greece, Romania, Persia, and India with financial support from the authorities. As a result, it quickly spread various forms of heresy penetrated into the faith and worship of the Muslims. Various kinds of deviant groups that spread in the middle of them, like Qadhariyah, Jahmyah, Ash'arite, Rafidhah, Mu'tashilah, and others.
Mu'tashilah group, in particular, get support from the authorities, especially from the Caliph al-Ma'mun. They, under the leadership of Ibn Abi Duad, able to influence al-Ma'mun to justify and propagate their opinions, including opinions that deny the attributes of God, including the nature of kalam (talk). Departing from the denial that, in the year 212, Caliph al-Ma'mun then force the Muslims, especially their clerics, to believe kemakhlukan Koran.
Actually Harun ar-Rashid, the caliph before al-Ma'mun, has cracked down on kemakhlukan opinion about the Koran. During his life, no one would dare express that opinion as narrated by Muhammad bin Nuh, "I've heard Harun ar-Rashid said," It has reached the news to me that Bishr al-Muraisiy say that the Qur'an is a creature. Is my duty, if God authorize that person to me, I'm the law will undoubtedly kill him in a way that has never been done by anyone ''. When Caliph al-Rashid died and power into the hands of al-Amin, the group Mu'tazila tried to lead al-Amin into their group, but al-Amin rejected. Only later when the Caliphate went into the hands of al-Ma'mun, they are able to do so.
To force the Muslims receive opinions kemakhlukan Qur'an, al-Ma'mun to conduct exams to them. During the testing period, there are countless people who have been imprisoned, tortured, and even killed. Exam itself has occupied government and citizens both general and specific. He has become the talk of them, both in towns and in villages in the land of Iraq and in others. Has happened heated debate among scholars about it. Not counting those who reject the idea of kemakhlukan Koran, including Imam Ahmad. He consistently holds the opinion that the rights, that the Qur'an is kalamullah, not a creature.
Al-Ma'mun had even ordered his subordinates to bring Imam Ahmad and Muhammad bin Nuh to his presence in the city Thursus. Both clerics were finally herded into Thursus in a state shackles. Muhammad bin Nuh died on the way before it gets to Thursus, while Imam Ahmad was brought back to Baghdad and held there because it has been until the news of the death of al-Ma'mun (218 years). Mentioned that Imam Ahmad keep praying al-Ma'mun.
After the death of al-Ma'mun, the caliphate was passed over to his son, al-Mu'tasim. He has got a will of al-Ma'mun to forward the opinion kemakhlukan Koran and test people in it; and he also implement them. Imam Ahmad release from prison and reunited with Ibn Abi Duad and their allies. They argue with him about kemakhlukan Koran, but he was able to refute the objection that they can not deny. Finally he whipped until unconscious and then put back into jail and languished there for about 28 months-or 30s a month by the others. During that time he slept in a state of prayer and feet shackled.
During that time, every day al-Mu'tasim sent men to argue with him, but his answer remained the same, unchanged. As a result, al-Mu'tasim growing anger to him. He was threatening and cursing him, and ordered his subordinate whipping harder and add shackles on his feet. All of that, Imam Ahmad received with patience and persistence tub lofty mountain with kokohnya.
Pain and Death
Ultimately, he was released from prison. He returned home in a state of not being able to walk. After his wounds healed and his body was strong, she reiterated her lessons at the mosque to al-Mu'tasim died.
Furthermore, al-wathiq appointed caliph. No different from his father, al-Mu'tasim, al-wathiq continued examination carried his father and grandfather. he was still attachment to Ibn Abi Duad and their allies. As a result, Baghdad residents feel increasingly harsh ordeal. Al-wathiq prohibit Imam Ahmad exit gather together people. Finally, Imam Ahmad was hiding in his house, not out of it even to go out to teach or attend the prayer congregation. And it lived for about five years, ie until al-wathiq died in 232.
After al-wathiq's death, al-Mutawakkil rose replace it. During the two-year reign, a test of the Koran kemakhlukan still held. Later in the year 234, he stopped the exam. He announced to all parts of his kingdom kemakhlukan ban on opinion on the Koran and the threat of capital punishment for those who engage in it. He also instructed the experts of hadith to convey the hadiths about the attributes of God. So then, people were also delighted with the announcement. They praised the caliph of his decision and forget the ugliness-ugliness. Everywhere audible prayer for him and his name was mentioned along with the name of Abu Bakr, Umar ibn al-Khattab, and Umar bin Abdul Aziz.
Before he died he was ill for nine days. Hearing the pain, people were coming wanted to see him. They crowded in front of the door, to the extent that the sultan put people to stand guard at the front door. Finally, at the beginning of Friday the 12th of Rabi al-Awwal 241 years, he was facing the death that has picked his Lord dientukan him. Muslims are saddened by his departure. Not least those who helped usher his corpse until Hundreds of thousands of people. Some say 700 thousand people, others say 800 thousand people, some say up to a million more people who attend. Everything indicates that very many of those present at the time for the sake of showing respect and their love for him. He once said when he was healthy, "Tell ahlu heresy that the difference between us and you is (look at) the day of our death".
Such is a brief description of exams passed by Imam Ahmad. Seen how the great attitude he will not be taken except by people who are full of sincere firmness again. He acted like it was precisely when most other scholars reject the truth. And with determination on the truth that God gave him, he madzhab Ahlussunnah was ascribed to him because he was patient and steadfast in his defense. Ali bin al-Madiniy describe firmness Imam Ahmad said, "God has cemented this religion through two men, no three. Namely, Abu Bakr as-Siddiq on Yaumur Riddah (when many people are cut off at the beginning of his reign), and Ahmad ibn Hanbal on Yaumul mihnah ".
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