he Testament
1. About one-third testament to the wealth
Hadith of Ibn Umar, he said:
That he said: It is not good for a Muslim to have something to diwasiatkan overnight two nights, unless the will was written on its side. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3074)
Hadith Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqas ra., He said:
At the time of the Farewell Pilgrimage, the Prophet. to see me because of illness which almost caused my death. Then I said: Messenger of Allah, my illness is very severe as you can see, while I was a wealthy and no mewarisiku except my daughter only. Do I give charity with two-thirds of my property? He replied: Not allowed. I ask again: With half? He replied: No, with only one-third. And third it is already a lot. Indeed, if you leave your heir in a state rich are better than you left them in poor circumstances that will beg to humans. And you do not spend a living was to seek appeasement of God, except you'll get rewarded for it nafkahmu though a bite of food you put into your wife's mouth. He said: I asked: Messenger of Allah, if I would live after my friends (died)? He said: Surely you are not given the longevity then you do a charity to expect appeasement of God, except you will increase the degree of glory with the charity. May you be given the longevity of so many people who would benefit from you, and the others (disbelievers) suffered losses because of you. Ya Allah! Perfect migrated my friends, and Thou put them rearward (kufr). But the unfortunate fact is Sa`ad bin Khaulah said: Messenger of Allah. menyayangkannya (Sa'ad bin Khaulah who died in Mecca). (Saheeh Muslim, No.3076)
Hadith of Ibn Abbas ra., He said:
I hope people will want to reduce one-third to one-quarter, because the Prophet. said: A third, and a third that many. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3080)
2. Endowments
Hadith of Ibn 'Umar, he said:
Umar. got a plot of land in Khaibar then he faced the Prophet. for instructions on its use. Umar said: Messenger of Allah, I got a piece of land in Khaibar that I never get another treasure more valuable from it. What suggestions do you have on this? He said: If you like, you can mewakafkan assets and charity with the results. Then Umar charity with the results on the basis of its assets may not be sold, purchased, inherited or donated. Umar alms to the poor, poor, relatives, to free a slave, jihad in the path of Allah, Ibn sabil as well as guests. No sin for someone who takes care of some of the results in a good way or to feed a friend without saving. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3085)
3. Someone who does not have something to diwasiatkan not intestate
Hadith Abdullah bin Abu Aufa ra .:
Of Talha bin Musrif ra. he said: I asked Abu Abdullah bin Aufa: Is the Messenger of Allah. intestate? He answered: No. I ask again: Then why will obligatory upon the Muslims, or why they were ordered intestate? He replied: Her hand on the Book of Allah. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3086)
Hadith A'ishah., He said:
Prophet. do not leave the dinar and dirham, not even a goat or camel and nor intestate with something. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3087)
Hadith of Ibn Abbas ra .:
Of Said bin Jubair he said: Ibn Abbas ra. said Thursday, whether it's Thursday? Then he cried so that her tears fell upon the gravel. Then I asked: O Ibn Abbas, what is it Thursday? He replied: On that day the Prophet disease. getting worse then he said: Come here, I'll write you a will so that you will not go astray after me. Then the friends quarreled, but not worth a quarrel in the presence of the Prophet. They said, 'What happened to him, whether he was delirious? Ask mean to him! Prophet. He said: Let me. Because what I'm saying is better. I bequeath three matters to you is: Expel the polytheists from the Arabian Peninsula, allow the delegates to enter it and welcome them well as I had done with them. Then he was silent not to mention a third, or maybe mention it, but I forgot. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3089)
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1. About one-third testament to the wealth
Hadith of Ibn Umar, he said:
That he said: It is not good for a Muslim to have something to diwasiatkan overnight two nights, unless the will was written on its side. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3074)
Hadith Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqas ra., He said:
At the time of the Farewell Pilgrimage, the Prophet. to see me because of illness which almost caused my death. Then I said: Messenger of Allah, my illness is very severe as you can see, while I was a wealthy and no mewarisiku except my daughter only. Do I give charity with two-thirds of my property? He replied: Not allowed. I ask again: With half? He replied: No, with only one-third. And third it is already a lot. Indeed, if you leave your heir in a state rich are better than you left them in poor circumstances that will beg to humans. And you do not spend a living was to seek appeasement of God, except you'll get rewarded for it nafkahmu though a bite of food you put into your wife's mouth. He said: I asked: Messenger of Allah, if I would live after my friends (died)? He said: Surely you are not given the longevity then you do a charity to expect appeasement of God, except you will increase the degree of glory with the charity. May you be given the longevity of so many people who would benefit from you, and the others (disbelievers) suffered losses because of you. Ya Allah! Perfect migrated my friends, and Thou put them rearward (kufr). But the unfortunate fact is Sa`ad bin Khaulah said: Messenger of Allah. menyayangkannya (Sa'ad bin Khaulah who died in Mecca). (Saheeh Muslim, No.3076)
Hadith of Ibn Abbas ra., He said:
I hope people will want to reduce one-third to one-quarter, because the Prophet. said: A third, and a third that many. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3080)
2. Endowments
Hadith of Ibn 'Umar, he said:
Umar. got a plot of land in Khaibar then he faced the Prophet. for instructions on its use. Umar said: Messenger of Allah, I got a piece of land in Khaibar that I never get another treasure more valuable from it. What suggestions do you have on this? He said: If you like, you can mewakafkan assets and charity with the results. Then Umar charity with the results on the basis of its assets may not be sold, purchased, inherited or donated. Umar alms to the poor, poor, relatives, to free a slave, jihad in the path of Allah, Ibn sabil as well as guests. No sin for someone who takes care of some of the results in a good way or to feed a friend without saving. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3085)
3. Someone who does not have something to diwasiatkan not intestate
Hadith Abdullah bin Abu Aufa ra .:
Of Talha bin Musrif ra. he said: I asked Abu Abdullah bin Aufa: Is the Messenger of Allah. intestate? He answered: No. I ask again: Then why will obligatory upon the Muslims, or why they were ordered intestate? He replied: Her hand on the Book of Allah. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3086)
Hadith A'ishah., He said:
Prophet. do not leave the dinar and dirham, not even a goat or camel and nor intestate with something. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3087)
Hadith of Ibn Abbas ra .:
Of Said bin Jubair he said: Ibn Abbas ra. said Thursday, whether it's Thursday? Then he cried so that her tears fell upon the gravel. Then I asked: O Ibn Abbas, what is it Thursday? He replied: On that day the Prophet disease. getting worse then he said: Come here, I'll write you a will so that you will not go astray after me. Then the friends quarreled, but not worth a quarrel in the presence of the Prophet. They said, 'What happened to him, whether he was delirious? Ask mean to him! Prophet. He said: Let me. Because what I'm saying is better. I bequeath three matters to you is: Expel the polytheists from the Arabian Peninsula, allow the delegates to enter it and welcome them well as I had done with them. Then he was silent not to mention a third, or maybe mention it, but I forgot. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3089)
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