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Wednesday, 22 June 2016

A Brief History of Imam Hanafi

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A Brief History of Imam Hanafi

Imam Abu Hanifah an-Nu'man bin Thabit al-faqih Kufiy is the person in the land of Iraq, one of the imams of the Muslims, the leader of the pious, noble one clerical and one of the priests of the four priests who have schools. Among Muslims, he is better known by the name of Imam Hanafi.

Nasab and Birth bin Thabit bin Zuthi (some say Zutha) At-Taimi Al-Kufi
He is Abu Hanifah an-Nu'man bin Tha'labah Taimillah. He descended from the nation dispersions. He was born in the year 80 H during shigharus shahabah and the scholars disagree about the birthplace of Abu Hanifah time, according to his son Hamad bin Abu Hadifah that Zuthi came from Kabul and he was born in a state of Islam. Those that say of Anbar, others say from Turmudz and still others say of Babylon.

Ismail bin Hamad bin Abu Hanifa said that the first grandson of Thabit's father Abu Hanifah went to visit Ali Bin Abi Talib, Ali then pray for blessing on him and his family to him, while he was still only a little, and we hope that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala entreated Ali that for us. And Abu Hanifah At-Taimi ordinary join the group of oil and silk merchants, and even he has a shop to trade fabrics are at home Amr bin Harith.

Abu Hanifa was his height being, have a posture that is good, obviously in the spoke, his voice was nice and pleasant, nice face, nice clothes, and always wear a fragrance, great in bermajelis, very affectionate, good in relationships with colleagues, respected and not talk about things that are not useful.

He is preoccupied with seeking atsar / hadith and also do rihlah to look for it. And he was an expert in the field of jurisprudence, have precision in speech, and the problems are sketchy / hard it is to him late completion.

He had met with Anas bin Malik when he came to Kufa and study him, he also studied and meriwayat of other scholars such as 'Ata' ibn Abi Rabbah which is the sheikh of magnitude, Ash-sya'bi, Adi ibn Thabit, Hurmuj bin Abdurrahman al-A 'raj, Amru bin Dinar, Talhah ibn Nafi', Nafi 'Ibn Umar Maula, Qotadah bin Di'amah, Qois bin Muslim, Abdullah ibn Dinar, Hamad ibn Abi Sulayman fiqihnya teacher, Abu Ja'far al-Baqir, Ibn Shihab Az -Zuhri, Muhammad bin Munkandar, and much more. And there is narrated that he had met with seven companions.

He once told me, when he went to the city of Basra, I am optimistic that there are people who ask me about anything I'll answer it, then when some of them do ask me about a problem then I do not have the answer, then I decided not to part with Hamad until he died, then I was with him for 10 years.

In the reign of Marwan one of a king from the Umayyads in Kufa, he attended Hubairoh one subordinate king Marwan asked Abu Hanifa to be Qodhi (judges) in Kufa but he refused the request, so he flogged 110 times (per day whipped 10 times), when he knew the firmness of Abu Hanifa then he let go.

As for those who studied him and reported from him which are, as mentioned by Shaikh Abul Hajaj in Tahdzibnya alphabetically including Ibrahim bin Thahman alim of Khurasan, Abyadh bin Al-Aghar bin Ash-shabah, Ishaq al-Azroq, Asar bin Amru Al-Bajali, Ismail bin Yahya Al-Sirafi, Al-Harith bin Nahban, Al-Hasan ibn Ziyad, Hafs Binn Abdurrahman al-Qadi, Hamad bin Abu Hanifah, Hamzah her perfume seller, Dawud Ath-Thai, Sulaiman bin Amr An-Nakhai, Su'aib bin Ishaq, Abdullah ibn Mubarok, Khalid bin Abdul Aziz at-Turmudzi Abdul karim bin Muhammad al-Jurjani, Abdullah bin Zubair al-Qurasy, Ali bin al-Qodhi Zhibyan, Ali bin Asim, Isa bin Yunus, Abu Nu'aim, Al-Fadl ibn Musa, Muhammad ibn Bishr, Muhammad ibn Hasan Assaibani, Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Ansari, Muhammad bin Qoshim al-Asadi, Nu'man bin Abdus Salam al-Asbahani, Waki ​​'bin Al -Jarah, Yahya bin Ayub Al-Misri, Yazid ibn Harun, Abu Shihab Al-Hanath Assamaqondi, Al-Qodhi Abu Yusuf, and others.

Assessment of the scholars of the Abu Hanifah
Here are some of the scholars ratings on Abu Hanifah, among others:

1. Yahya bin Ma'in said: "Abu Hanifa was the one who tsiqoh, he was not talking about the hadith except that he memorized and not talk about anything that is not memorized". And in another time he said: "Abu Hanifa was the one who tsiqoh in the hadith". And he also said, "Abu hanifah laa ba'sa BIH, he was not lying, honest man, not accused by lying, ...".

2. Abdullah Ibn Mubarok said, "Even if Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala did not help me through Abu Hanifah and Sufyan al-Thawri then I would just like ordinary people". And he also said, "Abu Hanifa is the most faqih". And he also said, "I said to Sufyan al-Thawri, 'O Abu Abdillah, the most distant of the act backbiting is Abu Hanifah, I never heard him do backbiting despite the enemies' and he replied' By God, he is the most intelligent person, he does not remove his good deeds backbiting. ' "he also said," I came to the city of Kufa, I ask who are the people most wara' in the city of Kufa? So they answered Abu Hanifa of Kufa residents ". He also said, "When atsar known, and still requires the opinion, then imam Malik argues, Sufyan Abu Hanifa argued and argued, the most good is Abu Hanifa his opinion ... and he is the person most faqih of the three".

3. Al-Qodhi Abu Yusuf said, "Abu Hanifah said, it is not appropriate for someone to talk about any hadith except that he memorized as he heard it". He also said, "I do not see someone who knows more about the interpretation of the hadith and fiqh decision places the hadeeth of Abu Hanifah".

4. Imam Shafi'i said, "Whoever wants to mutabahir (having an area of ​​ocean science) in a matter of jurisprudence let him learn to Abu Hanifah"

5. Fudhail bin Iyad said, "Abu Hanifah was a faqih, famous for its wara', including one wealthy person, patience in learning and teaching science, little talk, to show the truth in a good way, avoiding of wealth rulers". Qois bin Rabi 'also say the same thing with words Fudhail Iyad bin.

6. Yahya bin Said al-Qothan said, "We do not reject Allah, are not we hear a better opinion than the opinion of Abu Hanifah, and indeed many took his opinions".

7. Hafs bin Ghiyats said, "The opinion of Abu Hanifa in fiqh issues more profound than poetry, and it is not reproach him but he was ignorant about it".

8. Al-Khuroibi said, "It is not that person mensela Abu Hanifa but he is the one who spiteful or ignorant".

9. Sufyan bin Uyainah said, "May Allah have mercy on Abu Hanifa because he is among those who maintain the prayer (many prayers)".

Some negative assessment addressed to Abu Hanifah HanifahAbu besides him get good ratings and praise from some scholars, also get negative votes and reproaches addressed to him, including:

1. Imam Muslim bin Hajaj said, "Abu Hanifa Nu'man bin Thabit shahibur ro'yi mudhtharib in the hadith, not many Saheeh hadith".

2. Abdul Karim bin Muhammad bin Shoaib An-Nasai said: "Abu Hanifa Nu'man bin Thabit not strong rote haditsnya".

3. Abdullah Ibn Mubarok said, "Abu Hanifa poor people in the hadith".

4. Some ahlul ilmi provide allegations that Abu Hanifa is Murji'ites in memahi matter of faith. That revelation that faith is belief in the heart and spoken word of mouth, and put out a charity of the nature of faith.

And has been narrated from Abu Hanifa that those deeds are not included on the nature of the priest, but he was included on the sya'air faith, and say the same is jumhur Asha'ira, Abu Mansur Al-Maturidi ... and menyelisihi this opinion is Ahlu hadith ... and has been narrated from Abu Hanifah also that faith is justification in the heart and determination to Lesan not increasing and not decreasing. And what is meant by "no increases and decreases" is the number and size were not stratified, DAK this does not deny the existence of faith were stratified in terms kaifiyyah, as there are strong and some are weak, there is a clear and vague and semisalnya ...

And quoted also by his companions, they mentioned that Abu Hanifah said, 'People who fall into a grave sin it affairs submitted to God', as embodied in the book "Fiqhul Akbar" by Abu Hanifah, "We are not saying that those who believe that not jeopardize his sins against faith, and we also did not say who commit major sins that go to hell and eternal hell even though he is the one who fasiq, ... but we say that whoever charitable kindness by meeting its requirements and does not do things the ruin, not membatalakannya infidelity and apostasy until he died then Allah will not waste the deeds, the God-bahklan -insya will accept; and those who do disobedience other than shirk and kufr although he has not repented until he died in a state of faith, then taste under the will of Allah, if He willed it will mengadzabnya and if not it will forgive him. "

5. Some ahlul ilmi the other give the charges against Abu Hanifah, that he believes the Quran is creature.
Padahahal has been narrated from him that the Qur'an was kalamullah and pronunciation us with the Quran is creature. And this is the opinion of Ahl-ul-haq ..., try looking at the book he Fiqhul Akbar and Aqidah Thahawiyah ... and penisbatan opinion of the Koran dalah makhluq to Abu Hanifah is a lie ".

And there are many more forms of negativity and disapproval ratings were given to him, it can be read in the book Tarikh Baghdad chapters 13 and also the book of al-Jarh wa at-ta'dil 450 Juz 8 thing.

And you will know that many narrations about the insults addressed to abiu Hanifah -in Date Baghdad- and indeed we have examined all the reports, it appeared that the weak narrations in sanadnya and mudhtharib in meaning. No doubt that is a disgrace, a disgrace to the air-asabiyya madzhabiyyah, ... and how many of the priests were glorious, pious smart they behave inshaf (mid) is haqiqi. And if you want to know the position of the narrations concerning the denunciation of Abu Hanifah then read the book of al-Intiqo 'by Al-Haafiz Ibn Abd al-Barr, Jami'ul Masanid work of al-Khawaruzumi and Tadzkiratul Hufazh by Imam Adh-Dhahabi. Ibn Abd al-Barr said, "Many of the Ahlul Hadeeth - that is narrated about Abu Hanifa al-Khatib (Tarikh Baghdad) - exceed the limits in denouncing Abu Hanifah, then things like that really he rejected many pengkhabaran about Abu Hanifah of people fair"

Some advice Imam Abu Hanifah
He is including the imam who first argued the necessity of following the Sunnah and leave his views that menyelisihi sunnah. and it was narrated from Abu Hanifah by his companions opinions are accurate and the like are different, all of which demonstrate at something one, namely the obligatory take the hadith and leave taqlid on the opinion of the priests who menyelisihi hadith. Among his advice is:

a. If it has an authentic hadith, the hadith is becoming madzhabku
Nashirudin said Sheikh Al-Albani, "This is the perfection of science and faith of the priests. And the priests have signaled that they are not able to master, covering Sunnah / hadith as a whole ". It is as described by the imam Shafi'i, "then sometimes among the priests who menyelisihi sunnah that there has not been or is not up to them, then they ordered us to hold fast to the Sunnah and the Sunnah of including schools make them all".

b. It is not lawful for a person to take / wear our opinion as long as he does not know from where we take the proposition that opinion. in another narration, is forbidden for people who do not know dalilku, he berfatwa with opinion. And in another riawyat, indeed, we are human beings, we believe today, and we ruju '(cancel) the opinion is in the morning. And in another narration, Woe to you O Ya'qub (Abu Yusuf), do not record all the engakau anything you hear from me, surely I'd argue today premises of an opinion and that opinion I leave tomorrow, tomorrow I argued with a opinion and the opinion I left the next day.

Shaykh Al-Albani said, "And if so the words of the priest to the people who do not know their premise. then know! Do their words to the people who know the proposition that menyelisihi their opinion, then he berfatwa with the argument menyelisishi opinion? then keep in mind this sentence! And these words are enough to destroy the blind taqlid, that's what people from the masyayikh sebaigan followed deny penisbahan to Abu Hanifah when they deny fatwa by saying "Abu Hanifah not know the proposition" !.

Asy-sya'roni said in his book Al-Mizan 1/62 are summarily as follows: "Our belief and conviction everyone medieval (impartial) to Abu Hanifah, that if she lived until she wrote the science of the Shari'a, after the memorizers of hadith collect hadith-hadith from all corners of the world, the Abu Hanifa will take these hadiths and leave all opinion by way of qiyas, rose only slightly in madzhabnya as it is also a bit on other schools in Islam with penisbahan him. But the arguments of separate shariah-pesah in his day and in the days tabi'in and atbaut successors still scattered here and there. So much going on madzhabnya Qiyas kalaudibanding emergency basis with other scholars, since there are no texts in the problems of the diqiyaskan. different from other priests ... ". Then Shaykh al-Albani commented on the statement with the words, "So if this is the case, it is udzur for Abu Hanifah when he menyelisihi hadiths are authentic without him accidentally - and this is udzur received, because God does not burden the people who do not dimampuinya -, then it should not denounce him as do some people ignorant, even obligatory civilized with him because he is one of the priests of the priests of the Muslims that this religion with them awake. ... ".

c. When I say an opinion menyelisihi hadith book of Allah and the Prophet are authentic, then leave words.

Death of
At the time of the Abbasid empire precisely during the reign of Abu Ja'far al-Mansur, the king of the 2nd, Abu Hanifah was called before him to be asked to be qodhi (judges), but he refused the king's request - because Abu Hanifa wanted to keep away treasure and the position of the sultan (king) - then he was arrested and thrown into prison and died in prison.

And he died in the month of Rajab in the year 150 H at the age of 70 years, and he dishalatkan many people there is even narrated dishalatkan to 6 fleet.

(Taken from the magazine Fatawa)


