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Tuesday 28 June 2016

Luasnya Kekuasaan Allah Dan Ampunan-Nya

Pelajarilah dengan santai.

Kajian kita kali ini membahas tentang betapa luasnya kekuasaan dan ampunan Allah terhadap para hamba-Nya. Karena itu, hendaklah seorang Mukmin selalu bersangkaan baik terhadap Allah bahwa Dia pasti mengampuninya sebesar apa pun dosanya selama ia tidak berbuat syirik terhadap-Nya serta hendaknya tidak berputus asa dari mengharap rahmat-Nya.

Naskah Hadits
عَنْ أَبِي ذَرٍّ اْلغِفَارِي, عَنْ النّبِيّ صلى الله عليه وسلم. فِيمَا رَوَىَ عَنِ اللّهِ تَبَارَكَ وَتَعَالَىَ أَنّهُ قَالَ: «يَا عِبَادِي إِنّي حَرّمْتُ الظّلْمَ عَلَىَ نَفْسِي. وَجَعَلْتُهُ بَيْنَكُمْ مُحَرّماً. فَلاَ تَظَالَمُوا.
يَا عِبَادِي كُلّكُمْ ضَالّ إِلاّ مَنْ هَدَيْتُهُ. فَاسْتَهْدُونِي أَهْدِكُمْ. يَا عِبَادِي كُلّكُمْ جَائِعٌ إِلاّ مَنْ أَطْعَمْتُهُ. فَاسْتَطْعِمُونِي أُطْعِمْكُمْ.
يَا عِبَادِي كُلّكُمْ عَارٍ إِلاّ مَنْ كَسَوْتُهُ. فَاسْتَكْسُونِي أَكْسُكُمْ.
يَا عِبَادِي إِنّكُمْ تُخْطِئُونَ بِاللّيْلِ وَالنّهَارِ, وَأَنَا أَغْفِرُ الذّنُوبَ جَمِيعاً. فَاسْتَغْفِرُونِي أَغْفِرُ لَكُمْ.
يَا عِبَادِي إِنّكُمْ لَنْ تَبْلُغُوا ضَرّي فَتَضُرّونِي. وَلَنْ تَبْلُغُوا نَفْعِي فَتَنْفَعُونِي.
يَا عِبَادِي لَوْ أَنّ أَوّلَكُمْ وَآخِرَكُمْ, وَإِنْسَكُمْ وَجِنّكُمْ. كَانُوا عَلَىَ أَتْقَىَ قَلْبِ رَجُلٍ وَاحِدٍ مِنْكُمْ. مَا زَادَ ذَلِكَ فِي مُلْكِي شَيْئاً.
يَا عِبَادِي لَوْ أَنّ أَوّلَكُمْ وَآخِرَكُمْ. وَإِنْسَكُمْ وَجِنّكُمْ. كَانُوا عَلَىَ أَفْجَرِ قَلْبِ رَجُلٍ وَاحِدٍ. مَا نَقَصَ ذَلِكَ مِنْ مُلْكِي شَيْئاً. يَا عِبَادِي لَوْ أَنّ أَوّلَكُمْ وَآخِرَكُمْ. وَإِنْسَكُمْ وَجِنّكُمْ. قَامُوا فِي صَعِيدٍ وَاحِدٍ فَسَأَلُونِي. فَأَعْطَيْتُ كُلّ إِنْسَانٍ مَسْأَلَتَهُ. مَا نَقَصَ ذَلِكَ مِمّا عِنْدِي إِلاّ كَمَا يَنْقُصُ الْمِخْيَطُ إِذَا أُدْخِلَ الْبَحْرَ.
يَا عِبَادِي إِنّمَا هِيَ أَعْمَالُكُمْ أُحْصِيهَا لَكُمْ. ثُمّ أُوَفّيكُمْ إِيّاهَا. فَمَنْ وَجَدَ خَيْراً فَلْيَحْمَدِ اللّهَ. وَمَنْ وَجَدَ غَيْرَ ذَلِكَ فَلاَ يَلُومَنّ إِلاّ نَفْسَهُ».

Dari Abu Dzarr al-Ghifary RA., dari Nabi SAW., dalam apa yang diriwayatkannya dari Rabb-nya ‘Azza Wa Jalla bahwasanya Dia berfirman,
“Wahai para hamba-Ku, sesungguhnya telah Aku haramkan atas diri-Ku perbuatan zhalim dan Aku jadikan ia diharamkan di antara kamu; maka janganlah kalian saling berbuat zhalim.

Wahai para hamba-Ku, setiap kalian adalah sesat kecuali orang yang telah Aku beri petunjuk; maka mintalah petunjuk kepada-Ku, niscaya Aku beri kalian petunjuk.

Wahai para hamba-Ku, setiap kalian itu adalah lapar kecuali orang yang telah Aku beri makan; maka mintalah makan kepada-Ku, niscaya Aku beri kalian makan.

Wahai para hamba-Ku, setiap kalian adalah telanjang kecuali orang yang telah Aku beri pakaian; maka mintalah pakaian kepada-Ku, niscaya Aku beri kalian pakaian.

Wahai para hamba-Ku, sesungguhnya kalian berbuat kesalahan di malam dan siang hari sedangkan Aku mengampuni semua dosa; maka minta ampunlah kepada-Ku, niscaya Aku ampuni kalian.

Wahai para hamba-Ku sesungguhnya kalian tidak akan mampu menimpakan bahaya kepada-Ku sehingga kalian bisa membayakan-Ku dan tidak akan mampu menyampaikan manfa’at kepada-Ku sehingga kalian bisa memberi manfa’at pada-Ku.

Wahai para hamba-Ku, andaikata hati generasi terdahulu dan akhir dari kalian, golongan manusia dan jin kalian sama seperti hati orang paling takwa di antara kamu (mereka semua adalah ahli kebajikan dan takwa), maka hal itu (keta’atan yang diperbuat makhluk-red.,) tidaklah menambah sesuatu pun dari kekuasaan-Ku

Wahai para hamba-Ku, andaikata hati generasi terdahulu dan akhir dari kalian, golongan manusia dan jin kalian sama seperti hati orang paling fajir (bejad) di antara kalian (mereka semua ahli maksiat dan bejad), maka hal itu (kemaksiatan yang mereka perbuat-red.,) tidaklah mengurangi sesuatu pun dari kekuasaan-Ku.

Wahai para hamba-Ku, andaikata generasi terdahulu dan akhir dari kalian, golongan manusia dan jin kalian berada di bumi yang satu (satu lokasi), lalu meminta kepada-Ku, lantas Aku kabulkan permintaan masing-masing mereka, maka hal itu tidaklah mengurangi apa yang ada di sisi-Ku kecuali sebagaimana jarum bila dimasukkan ke dalam lautan.

Wahai para hamba-Ku, sesungguhnya ia hanyalah perbuatan-perbuatan kalian yang aku perhitungkan bagi kalian kemudian Aku cukupkan buat kalian; barangsiapa yang mendapatkan kebaikan, maka hendaklah ia memuji Allah dan barangsiapa yang mendapatkan selain itu, maka janganlah ia mencela selain dirinya sendiri.”

Urgensi Hadits

Imam Ahmad RAH., berkata, “Tidak ada hadits yang lebih mulai dari ini bagi Ahli Syam (karena para periwayatnya semua adalah orang-orang Syam).”

Beliau mengatakan hal tersebut karena betapa agungnya hadits tersebut yang mengandung banyak makna-makna mulia.

Kosa Kata

Makna kata “Perbuatan zhalim” : Kezhaliman artinya meletakkan sesuatu bukan pada tempatnya, yaitu melampaui batas

Makna “Aku cukupkan buat kalian” : Yakni Aku membalas kalian berdasarkan perbuatan kalian baik kecil mau pun besar, yaitu di akhirat kelak

Pesan-Pesan Hadits

1. Hadits ini merupakan hadits Qudsi, yaitu Hadits yang diriwayatkan Rasulullah SAW dari Rabb-nya.
Perbedaan antara Hadits Qudsi dan al-Qur’an di antaranya adalah:
- Bahwa al-Qur`an al-Kariim adalah mukjizat mulai dari lafazhnya hingga maknanya sedangkan Hadits Qudsi tidak memiliki kemukjizatan apa pun
- Bahwa shalat tidak sah kecuali dengan al-Qur`an al-Kariim sedangkan Hadits Qudsi tidak sah untuk shalat
- Bahwa al-Qur`an al-Kariim tidak boleh diriwayatkan dengan makna sementara Hadits Qudsi boleh

2. Hadits tersebut menjelaskan bahwa Allah Ta’ala Maha Suci dari semua sifat kekurangan dan cela, di antaranya berbuat zhalim, di mana Dia berfirman, “Sesungguhnya telah Aku haramkan atas diri-Ku perbuatan zhalim.” Dia juga berfirman dalam al-Qur`an, “Dan Aku sekali-kali tidak menzhalimi hamba-hamba-Ku.” (Qaaf:29) Dan firman-Nya, “Sesungguhnya Allah tidak berbuat zhalim kepada manusia sedikitpun, akan tetapi manusia itulah yang berbuat zhalim kepada diri mereka sendiri.” (Yuunus:44)

3. Allah Ta’ala melarang para hamba-Nya berbuat zhalim antar sesama mereka sebab perbuatan zhalim diharamkan dan akibatnya amat fatal baik di dunia mau pun di akhirat. Allah Ta’ala berfirman, “Dan begitulah adzab Tuhanmu, apabila Dia mengazab penduduk negeri-negeri yang berbuat zhalim. Sesungguhnya adzab-Nya itu adalah sangat pedih lagi keras.” (Huud:102) Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Sesungguhnya perbuatan zhalim itu adalah kegelapan di hari Kiamat.” (HR.al-Bukhary dan Muslim) Dalam sabda yang lain, “Sesungguhnya Allah Ta’ala akan mengulur-ulur bagi pelaku kezhaliman hingga bila Dia menyiksanya, Dia tidak akan membuatnya lolos (dapat menghindar lagi).” (HR.al-Bukhary)

4. Kezhaliman ada beberapa macam:
a. Zhalim terhadap diri sendiri dan yang paling besarnya adalah berbuat syirik terhadap Allah Ta’ala. Allah Ta’ala berfirman, “Sesungguhnya kesyirikan itu adalah kezhaliman yang besar.” (Luqman:13) Di antaranya lagi adalah melakukan perbuatan maksiat dan berbuat dosa

b. Perbuatan zhalim seorang hamba terhadap orang lain seperti mengambil hak mereka, menyakiti, menggunjing (ghibah), mengadu domba dan membicarakan mereka tanpa hak.

5. Hadits tersebut juga menjelaskan betapa kebutuhan para hamba kepada Allah Ta’ala. Karena itu, hendaknya mereka berlindung kepada-Nya, memohon, meminta pertolongan, meminta ma’af dan ampunan kepada-Nya. Memohon kepada-Nya agar diberi ampunan, rahmat dan rizki. Siapa pun manusianya, maka tidak mungkin dia tidak membutuhkan Rabbnya.

6. Semua manusia pasti melakukan kesalahan. Karena itu, bertindak keliru atau memiliki keterbatasan bukanlah suatu ‘aib akan tetapi yang dikatakan ‘aib itu adalah terus-menerus di dalam kesalahan ini, membiarkannya dan tidak mempedulikannya. Hendaknya seorang hamba memandang kepada keagungan Dzat Yang ia maksiati dan lakukan kesalahan terhadap-Nya dan janganlah memandang kepada kecilnya suatu kemaksiatan. Dari itu, hendaknya ia bersegera untuk bertobat dan kembali kepada-Nya serta meminta ampunan-Nya. Allah Ta’ala berfirman, “Dan bertaubatlah kamu semua kepada Allah wahai kaum Mukmiin, semoga kamu beruntung.” (an-Nuur:31) Dan firman-Nya, “Katakanlah, ‘Hai hamba-hamba-Ku yang melampaui batas terhadap diri mereka sendiri, janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa semuanya. Sesungguhnya Dial-lah Yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.” (az-Zumar;53)

7. Betapa besarnya ampunan Allah dan betapa luas kekuasaan-Nya. Sekalipun semua makhluk berkumpul maka sama sekali mereka tidak dapat mempengaruhi bertambah atau berkurangnya kekuasaan-Nya tersebut.

8. Seorang Muslim hendaknya berhati-hati dalam semua perbuatannya sehingga ia bisa membersihkan dan memperbaikinya. Semuanya sudah diperhitungkan atasnya, dicatat di dalam lembaran amal-amalnya baik kecil mau pun besar. Allah Ta’ala berfirman, “Barangsiapa yang mengerjakan kebaikan seberat dzarrah pun, niscaya dia akan melihat (balasan)-nya, [7]. Dan barangsiapa yang mengerjakan kejahatan seberat dzarrah pun, niscaya dia akan melihat (balasan)-nya pula.” (az-Zalzalah:7-8)

9. Hendaknya seorang Muslim menghitung dirinya sendiri di dalam kehidupan ini sebelum dirinya diperhitungkan nanti pada hari Kiamat yang karenanya dia akan mencela dirinya sendiri, mencercanya, menyesali namun penyesalan yang tiada guna.

Umar bin al-Khaththab RA berkata, “Hitunglah dirimu sebelum dirmu diperhitungkan dan timbanglah ia sebelum dirimu ditimbang dan bersiap-siaplah untuk Hari ‘al-‘Ardl al-Akbar’ (sidang terbesar terhadap kaum Mukminin pada hari Kiamat).” (HR.at-Turmudzy secara mu’allaq. Ibn Katsir berkata, “Di dalam Musnad ‘Umar terhadap atsar yang masyhur namun terdapat Inqithaa’ (terputus pada sanadnya)”. Wallahu a’lam

(SUMBER: Silsilah Manaahij Dawraat al-‘Uluum asy-Syar’iyyah –al-Hadiits- Fi`ah an-Naasyi`ah, karya Prof.Dr.Faalih bin Muhammad ash-Shaghiir, h.124-128)

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Shamans and Seers

Learn to relax.                          Shamans and Seers

1. Whoever came quack astrologer and asked him about something (and trust) then his prayer for forty nights will not be accepted. (HR. Muslim)
2. Whoever came shaman soothsayer and believes the words he had mengkufuri what Allah revealed to Muhammad. (Abu Dawud)
3. Indeed, treatment with spells, magic antidote necklaces bracelets and charms are Shirk. (HR. Ibn Majah)
4. Whoever cancel keperluannya mean forecast lucky-unlucky because he had bersyirik to God. The Companions asked, "Is redemption, O Messenger of Allah?" He replied, "Say:" O Allah, there is no goodness except goodness, and no misfortune except that you inflicted and there is no god (god / who is worshiped) except you. "(HR. Ahmad)
5. Forecasts lucky-unlucky shirk. (He repeated it three times) and each person will inevitably have such feelings in his heart, but God help feeling it with my trust. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)
Explanation:Thair means birds. Predictions about lucky and unlucky bird that was originally associated with voice or direction of flight

A Brief History of Sheikh Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani

Learn to relax.A Brief History of Sheikh Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani

Hadith is one of the reference sources of Islamic law in addition to the holy book of the Qur'an. In the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad that contained the answers and solutions to problems faced by people in various fields of life. Speaking about the science of hadith, Muslims will never forget the services of Sheikh Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani, or better known as Sheikh Al-Albani. He is one of this century Islamic reformers.
The work and his services are many and very helpful Muslims, especially in reviving the science of hadith. He is credited purify Islam from weak hadiths and false as well as examine the degree of hadith. Al-Albani has Abdirrahman full name Abu Muhammad Nasir bin Nuh al-Albani. Born in the year 1333 H in Ashqadar city, the capital of Albania past. He grew up in a family that dispossessed materially, but very rich in science. Father al-Albani named Al Haj Noah graduated from educational institutions shari'ah sciences in the state capital of the Ottoman dynasty (now Istanbul).
When Raja Ahmad Zagha ​​ascended the throne in Albania and change the system of government into a secular government, Sheikh Nuh himself very worried about him and his family. Finally he decided to emigrate to Syria in order to save his religion and fear of fitnah. From there, his family left for Damascus. Arriving in Damascus, Shaykh al-Albani small began studying Arabic. Al-Albani small entrance madrassa run by al-Is'af Jum'iyah al-Khairiyah. He continued to study at the school until the last grade and graduated in Ibtida'iyah level.
Subsequently, he continued his learning directly to the sheikh. He studied the Qur'an from father to completion, while also learning some of the Hanafi fiqh madhhab. Al-Albani also learn skills from his father fix hours until well advanced. These skills later became one of his livelihood. At the age of 20 years, Al-Albani youth began to concentrate on the science of hadith. His interest started from the discussions contained in the magazine al-Manar, a magazine published by Sheikh Muhammad Rashid Rida. The writings of the Shaykh, very fascinating heart.
The first activity in this field is to copy a book entitled Al-Mughni 'an Hamli al-Asfar fi Takhrij ma fi al-Ishabah min al-Akhbar, the work of al-Iraqi, the form Takhrij the hadiths contained in Ihya' Ulumuddin its Al-Ghazali. Initially the activities of Al-Albani in the field of hadith is opposed by her father. He commented on this, '' The knowledge of hadith is the work of those insolvent (bankrupt). '' But Shaykh al-Albani even more love for the world hadith. In the next development, Al-Albani did not have enough money to buy books. Therefore, he utilizes adh-Dhahiriyah Library in Damascus. In addition to also borrow books from some of the special library.
That is, the hadith become routine busyness to the point he closed his watch repair stall. Al-Albani more comfortable to linger in the adh-Dhahiriyah library, so every day up to 12 hours. Never break mentelaah books of hadith, unless the prayer time arrives. For eating, often only a little food was brought to the library. Finally the head office of the library provides a special room in the library for him. Even then he was authorized to carry a key library. Thus, Al-Albani more freely consulted multiple sources.
Sheikh Al-Albani twice in prison. The first time for a month and the second time for six months. It was not because he was preaching to the sunnah tenacious and combating heresy so that people who are jealous of him and spread slander.
The experience taught him to do when a lecturer in Jami'ah Islamiyah (Islamic University of Madinah) for three years. From the year 1381-1383 H, he taught hadith and hadith sciences. After that he moved to Jordan. In 1388 H, Ministry of Education asked to Sheikh Al-Albani to become a department head Dirasah Islamiyah in the Graduate Faculty in a College in the Kingdom of Jordan.
But the circumstances of the time did not allow him to meet that demand. In 1395-1398 H he returned to Medina to serve as members of the Upper House Jam'iyah Islamiyah there. Similarly in the country, Al-Albani received the highest award of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia King Faisal Fundation form of Dhu al-Qi'dah 14th 1419 H. Prior perished, Sheikh Al-Albani in order intestate personal library, either in the form of books that have been printed, books results photocopy, manuscripts (written by him or anyone else) is entirely given to the Library Jami'ah. He died on Friday night, Saturday the 21 Jumada Tsaniyah 1420 H or coincide with the date of October 1, 1999 in Jordan.


A Brief History of Imam An-Nawawi

Learn to relax.
A Brief History of Imam An-Nawawi

Edited by: Ustadz Anas Burhanuddin, Lc.

He was Yahya bin Neural bin Hasan bin Husain Al-Nawawi Ad-Dimasyqiy, Abu Zakaria. He was born in the month of Muharram in 631 H in Nawa, a village in the area Dimashq (Damascus), which is now the Syrian capital. He was educated by his father who is famous for piety and piety. He began studying at katatib (place of learning to read and write for children) and memorized the Quran before the age of puberty.

When ten years old, Yasin Sheikh Yusuf bin Az-Zarkasyi saw him forced to play by his peers, but he avoided, refused and crying because of the coercion. The Shaykh said that the child is expected to be the most intelligent and the most ascetic in his time and can provide great benefits to the Muslims. Attention father and teacher beliaupun becomes larger.

An-Nawawi in Nawa live up to 18 years old. Later in the year 649 H he started rihlah thalabul ilminya to Dimashq by attending halaqah-halaqah science held by the scholars of the city. He stayed in the madrassa Ar-rawahiyyah near Al-Jami 'Al-Umawiy. Be thalabul ilmi as major preoccupations. Mentioned that he attended twelve Halaqah day. He avidly and memorize a lot of things. He also outperformed other friends. He said: "And I write everything associated with it, good explanations and giving tough sentences vowel in words. And Allah has given the blessings in my time. "[Syadzaratudz Zahab 5/355].

Among his sheikh Abul Baqa 'An-Nablusiy, Abdul Aziz bin Muhammad Al-Ausiy, Abu Ishaq al-Muradiy, Abul Faraj Ibn Al-Maqdisiy Qudamah, Ishaq bin Ahmad and Ibn Al-Maghribiy Firkah. And among his disciples: Ibn 'Attar Ash-Syafi'iy, Abul Hajjaj Al-Mizziy, Ibnun Naqib Ash-Syafi'iy, Abul Abbas Al-Isybiliy and Ibn' Abd al-Hadi.

In the year 651 H he pilgrimage with his father, then he went to Madinah and remained there for one and a half months and then returned to Dimashq. In the year 665 H he taught at Darul Hadith Al-Asyrafiyyah (Dimashq) and refused to take a salary.

He dubbed Muhyiddin (which turned religion) and hated this title because tawadhu 'him. In addition, the religion of Islam is a living religion and sturdy, does not require people who turn it so that it becomes proof on those who underestimate or leave it. It was narrated that he said: "I will not forgive those who menggelariku Muhyiddin".

Imam An-Nawawi was an ascetic, wara 'and devoted. He is simple, qana'ah and authoritative. He used a lot of his time in obedience. Often do not sleep nights for worship or write. He also enforce commanding good and prohibiting evil, including to those in power, in a way that has been outlined Islam. He wrote a letter of advice to the government with a subtle language. Once when he was summoned by the king Az-Zahir Bebris to sign a fatwa. Come, he is skinny and dressed very simply. King also underestimated him and said: "Sign this fatwa !!" He read it and refused to sign. The king was angry and said: "Why!?" He replied: "Because it contains kedhaliman real". King became increasingly angry and said: "Get rid of it from all his positions". The maid king said: "He had no office at all. The king wanted to kill him but God's way. The king asked: "Why did not you kill him after they were doing that to the Lord?" Rajapun replied: "By Allah, I am very reluctant to her".

Imam Nawawi left a lot of scientific work of the famous. There are around forty books, including:

    In the field of hadith: Arba'in, Riyadhush Righteous, al-Minhaj (Sharh Saheeh Muslim), At-Taqrib wat Taysir fi Ma'rifat Sunan Al-Basyirin nadzir.

    In the field of jurisprudence: Minhajuth Thalibin, Raudhatuth Thalibin, Al-Majmoo '.

    In the field of language: Tahdzibul Asma 'wal Lughat.

    In the field of morals: At Tibyan fi Adab Hamalatil Qur'an, Bustanul Arifin, Al-Adzkar.

These books are widely known, including by laymen and provide immense benefits to the people. This is all not because taufik of Allah Almighty, then his sincerity and seriousness in the fight.

In general he has been salafi and sticking to the methodology of Ahl-ul-Hadith, do not fall into the philosophy and strive to emulate the early generations of people and wrote a rebuttal to the People of heresy that menyelisihi them. But he did not Ma'shum (regardless of fault) and fell into error that occurs in many uluma-scholars in his era that the error in question God's qualities Subhanah. He sometimes menta'wil and sometimes tafwidh. People who pay attention to the books he will find that he was not Muhaqqiq in this chapter, unlike in other branches of science. In this chapter he has been heavily basing his opinion on the excerpt-excerpts of the scholars without any comment on it.

The sentenced Imam Nawawi as Ash'ari, it is not true because he menyelisihi their many (people Ash'ari) in matters of aqidah others like ziyadatul faith and khalqu af'alil 'ibad. The works he still recommended to be read and studied, to caution against mistakes there. Should not behave like the Haddadiyyun who burned the books of his works because of some errors in it.

Permanent Committee for Scientific Research and Fatwas were asked about the Saudi royal aqidah him and replied: "Lahu aghlaath fish shifat" (He has some errors in the chapter attributes of God).

Imam Nawawi died on 24 Rajab 676 H -rahimahullah wa ghafarahu-.

A Brief History of Imam Al Baihaqi

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A Brief History of Imam Al Baihaqi

Imam Al-Baihaqi, whose full name is Imam Al-Hafith Al-Mutaqin Abu Bakr Ahmed ibn Al-Hussein ibn Ali ibn Musa Al Khusrujardi Al-Bayhaqi, was a great scholar of Khurasan (a small village in the suburbs Baihaq) and author of many well-known books ,

Future studies undertaken with a number of renowned scholars from various countries, including Iman Abul Hassan Muhammed ibn Al-Hussein Al Alawi, Abu Tahir Al-Ziyadi, Abu Abdullah al-Hakim, the author of the book "Al Mustadrik of Sahih Muslim and Sahih Al-Bukhari" , Abu Abdur-Rahman Al-Sulami, Abu Bakr ibn Furik, Abu Ali al-Ruthabari of Khusran, Halal ibn Muhammed Al-Hafaar, and Ibn Busran.

The scholars were living in various places scattered. Therefore, Imam Baihaqi have to travel quite a lot and spend a lot of time to be bermajelis with them. However, it all lived happily, in order to satisfy the thirst of his mind against the Islamic sciences.

As-Sabki states: "Al-Bayhaqi is one of the many prominent imam and provide guidance for Muslims. He is well that we often refer to as 'rope of Allah' and has extensive knowledge of the science of religion, fiqh and hadith penghapal."

Abdul-Ghaffar al-Farsi Al-Naisabouri in his book "Thail Tareekh Naisabouri": Abu Bakr Al-Baihaqi Al Hafith, Al Usuli Din, spend the time to learn a variety of religious sciences and other sciences. He studied aqidah and traveling to Iraq and the Hijaz (Saudi Arabia) and wrote many books.

Al-Bayhaqi also collect hadiths from a variety of reliable sources. Islamic leaders asked him to move from Nihiya Naisabor for the purpose of listening to the explanation straight and hold a book review. Then in the year 441, Islam's leaders to form an assembly to listen to the explanation of the book 'Al ma'rifa'. Many prominent imam attended.

Al-Bayhaqi life when chaos are rampant in many Muslim countries. When the Muslims divided by politics, jurisprudence, and thoughts. Among groups with each other trying to blame each other and drop, making it easier for an external enemy, the Romans, to banish them. In this time of crisis, Imam Baihaqi present as a person committed to the teachings of religion. He gives the example of how it should interpret Islamic teachings in everyday behavior.

Meanwhile, in Wafiyatul A'yam, Ibn Khalkan wrote, "He lived the ascetic, a lot of worship, wara ', and follow the example of the righteous ones."

He is known as a person who has a great love of the hadith and fiqh. From there then Al-Bayhaqi popular as an expert in hadith and fiqh.

After a long study to the senior scholars in different Muslim countries, Imam Baihaqi back again to its original place, the city Baihaq. There, he began to deploy a wide range of knowledge that has been gained during wandering to various Muslim countries. He started a lot of teaching.

Besides teaching, she also writes books. He was included in a row of the prolific author. It is estimated, his books reached a thousand volumes. Dikajinya themes are very diverse, ranging from theology, hadith, fiqh, to chronicle. Many scholars who present more later, who appreciate his works it. That's because the discussion of such breadth and depth.

Although seen as a hadith expert, but many people assessing Baihaqi not know enough about the works of hadith from Tirmidhi, Nasa'i, and Ibn Majah. He also never met the hadith books or Masnad Ahmad bin Hanbal (Imam Hambali). He uses Mustadrak al-Hakim of Imam al-Hakim freely.

According to the ad-Dahabi, a scholar of hadith, the study Bayhaqi in a hadeeth is not so great, but adept narrate because really know subsections hadith and the characters that have appeared in the isnad-isnad (backrest or a series of narrators).

Among the works Baihaqi, Kitab as-Sunnan al-Kubra published in Hyderabat, India, 10 volumes in 1344-1355, became the most famous work. This book never got the highest award.

From the statement as-Subki, Jurist, real fiqh and hadith, there is nothing better than this book, both in its composition and quality adjustment.

In these works there are records that are always written about values ​​or other things, such as the hadiths and the experts of hadith. In addition, each volume that contains the index prints Hyderabat valuable about the figures of the first three generations of hadith experts who met with narrations with instructions.

That is between the contribution and valuable relics of Imam Baihaqi. He inherited a science-knowledge to be implanted in the chest of his. In addition has also immortalize into various forms of writings, which until now was not over after the well-studied people.

The leading imam died in Nisabur, Iran, on 10 Jumada 458 H (9 April 1066). He was then taken to his home town and is buried there. Townspeople Baihaq argued that the city they are more worthy as a final resting place a lover of hadith and fiqh, such as Al-Bayhaqi.

A number of other important books have become an invaluable legacy. Among others, the book "As-Sunnan Al Kubra", "Sheub Al Iman", "Tha La'il An Nabuwwa", "Al Asma wa As nature", and "Ma'rifat As Sunnan cal Al Athaar".

A Brief History of Imam Tirmizi

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A Brief History of Imam Tirmizi

Khazanah scholarship of classical Islam Imam Tirmizi noted figure as one of the main narrators of Hadith and experts, in addition to Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Abu Daud, and a series of other names. His work, Kitab al-Jami ', or commonly known as the book Jami' Tirmidhi, becoming one of the important references related problems Hadith and science, as well as included in kutub al-sittah (six books in the principal field of Hadith) and the famous Hadith encyclopedia. Full figure tawadhu 'and expert worship is none other than Imam Tirmizi.

Born in 279 H in the town Tirmiz, Imam Tirmizi full name of Imam Al-Hafiz Abu Isa bin Mohammed bin Isa bin Musa bin Saurah Ad-As-Sulami Dahhak At-Tirmizi. Since childhood, Imam Tirmizi fond of studying and looking Hadith. For the purposes of this he wandered into various countries, among others the Hijaz, Iraq, Khurasan, and others.

In his trip, he visited many great scholars and teachers to hear Hadith Hadith and then memorized and he noted well. Among his teachers was; Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim and Imam Abu Daud. In addition, he also studied at Imam Musa bin Ishak, Mahmud bin Gailan, Said bin Abdurrahman Ali Ibn Hajar, Ahmad bin Muni ', and others.

The long journey of wanderings in search of knowledge, exchange ideas, and collect the Hadith that turned him into a highly respected scholars of Hadith clerical contemporaries. Nevertheless, outlined the destiny of others. Power was also the noble efforts at the end of his life receiving the disaster blindness, and a few years he lived as a blind. In conditions like this, Imam Tirmizi died. He died at the age of 70 years Tirmiz.

At a later date, a collection of Hadith and science-science studied and narrated by many scholars, among them; Makhul Ibn al-Fadl, Muhammad bin Mahmud Anbar, Hammad bin Shakir, Abd ibn Muhammad An-Nasfiyyun, Al-Haisam bin Kulaib Ash-Syasyi, Ahmad bin Yusuf An-Nasafi, Abul-Abbas Mohammed bin Mahbud Al-Mahbubi, who narrates the book Al-Jami 'thereof, and others. They are also disciples of Imam Tirmizi.

Many scholars and experts Hadith recognize strengths and advantages in self Imam Tirmizi. Additionally, righteousness and piety was no doubt. One of the scholars, Ibn Hibban Al-BUSTI, Hadith expert, admitted Tirmizi ability in memorizing, collect, collate, and researching Hadith, making him the source of the famous scholars of Hadith collection, including Imam Bukhari.

While revealing among other scholars, Imam Tirmizi is a figure that is reliable, trustworthy, and very thorough. The story is presented Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar in At-Tahzibnya Tahzib, from Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Abu Dawud, here is one proof of the advantages of the Imam:

I heard Abu Isa At-Tirmidhi said, "At a time in the journey to Mecca, and when I have written a two-volume book contains hadiths came from a teacher. The teacher passed us. Then I wondered about him, they replied that he was the man I mean that. Then I see him. He thought that the 'two-volume book' with me. it turned out that I carried not two volumes are, but two other volumes were like him. When I met him, I begged him to heard the Hadith, and he granted it. Then he read a Hadith that has been memorized. In between readings, he stole a look and saw that the paper was holding was still white and clean without writing anything. Given this fact, he said, 'Are not you ashamed of me?' Then I told him and explain to him that what he read it already know by heart all of them. 'Read me!' he commanded. I also read entirely in a row. He asked again, 'What have you memorized before coming to me?' I replied, 'No.' Then I ask again that he narrated another hadith. He then read out the 40 Hadith are classified as hadiths difficult or gharib and said, 'Try repeating what I read earlier!' Then I read it from the first to finish, and he commented, "I've never seen anyone like you. ' "

Besides being known as an expert and memorizers of Hadith, knowing the weaknesses and narrator-narrators, Imam Tirmizi also known as fiqh experts with insight and broad view. The views of fiqh that, for example, can be found in his book Al-Jami '.

The series of studies on the issue this fiqh scholars also reflects itself as a highly experienced and understand very well sit real issues. As the imagery, the explanation to a Hadith of the suspension to pay the receivables carried the debt that has been able, as follows: "Muhammad bin Basysyar bin Mahdi told us. Sufyan told us, from Abi Az-Zunad, from Al-Arai of Abu Hurairah , of the Prophet, said: Suspension pay debts (made by the debt) is capable is an injustice. If one of you transferred the debt to other people who can afford to pay, let the transfer of the debt was received. "

How to explain the Imam? Here is a comment to him, "Most scientists say: 'If someone transferred receivables to others who can afford to pay and he accepted the transfer, then be free people to move (muhil) it, and for people displaced receivable (muhtal) are not allowed to sue to muhil. ' While some other experts said: 'If someone's property (muhtal) into loss due to bankruptcy Muhal' alaih, then for him is permissible demanding pay for the first (muhil). The reason is, there is no loss on the property of a Muslim. According to Ibn Ishak, the words 'there is no harm to property of a Muslim' is 'If someone transferred its receivable to another person he thought was capable of, but it turns out the other person is not capable, then there is no loss on the property of the Muslims (who transferred debt) it'. " explained Imam Tirmizi.

This is one example that shows us how brilliantly thought fiqh Imam Tirmizi in understanding the texts of Hadith, as well as how extensive and original vision of it. Until his death, Imam Tirmizi has written dozens of books, including: Kitab Al-Jami ', known as Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Kitab Al-'Ilal, Kitab At-Tarikh, Kitab ash-an-Nabawiyya Syama'il, Book Az- Zuhd, and Kitab al-Asma 'wal-Kuna.

Besides being known as the Book of Jami 'Tirmidhi, the book is also known as Sunan At-Tirmidhi. Among muhaddisin (Hadith experts), the book became a main reference, in addition to other books of hadith of Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim.

Book of Sunan Tirmizi considered very important because this book really pay attention ta'lil (valuation) Hadith explicitly mention the Hadith valid. That is why this book was ranked fourth in the order kutub al-sittah, or according to the author of Kashf Az Zunuun, Hajji Khalfah (d. 1657), the position of Sunan Tirmizi located on the 3rd level in the hierarchy kutub al-sittah.

Unlike the book of Hadith of Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim or written and other books of Sunan Tirmizi can be understood by anyone, who understand the Arabic language course. In selecting the Hadith for his book, Imam Tirmizi Hadith contrary on the basis of whether it is used by jurists (Jurist) as proof (proposition) or not. Instead, no filter Tirmizi Hadith Hadith aspect of it is weak or not. That is why, he always gave a description of the value of the hadith, even describing comparisons and conclusions.

It was narrated that he once said: "All the hadith contained in this book is that it can be carried out." Therefore, most scientists use it (as a handle), except for two hadith, namely: First, that means: "Verily the Prophet menjamak prayer Dhuhr with Asr and Maghrib with Isha, without cause fear and on the way. '' also Hadith, "If he drink alcohol, drink again in the fourth, then kill him." Hadith regarding penalties for drink wine are mansukh (erased) and ijma 'ulama also indicate so. as for prayer plural, the scholars disagree or does not agree to leave. most legal scholars are allowed to perform prayers at home for the plural is not used as a habit. this opinion is the opinion of Ibn Sirin and Asyab as well as the majority of Islamic jurists and experts Hadith Ibn Munzir.

Some features book Jami 'or Sunan Tirmizi is, the inclusion of the history of other companions on the issues discussed in the principal Hadith (Hadith al Chapter), whether it is to convey the same or different, even contradictory at all, directly or indirectly.

In addition, the direct connection with the privileges uluum al Hadith (the sciences of Hadith) is a problem ta'lil Hadith. Hadiths loaded with clearly stated value, even rawinya values ​​are considered important. The book is considered positive because it can be used for practical application of the principles of the science of Hadith, the Hadith ta'lil

A Brief History of Imam Muslim

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A Brief History of Imam Muslim

Imam Muslim was born in Nishapur in 202 H or 817 AD of Imam Muslim, called Full Imam Abul Husain Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj ibn Muslim ibn al Qushayri Kausyaz an Naisaburi. Nishapur, which now included the territory of Russia, in the history of Islam when it was included in the designation Maa Wara'a an Nahr, which means the areas located around the River Jihun in Uzbekistan, Central Asia. Samanid Dynasty, Nishapur became the center of government and commerce for approximately 150 years. Just as in medieval Baghdad, Nishapur, also Bukhara (the hometown of Imam Bukhari) as one of the centers of science and civilization in Central Asia. Here also lived many great scholars.

Imam Muslim concern and interest to the science of hadith was remarkable. From an early age, he has been concentrating on learning the hadith. In the year 218 H, he began studying hadith, when he was less than fifteen years. Luckily, she was awarded the advantage of sharpness of thinking and rote memory. When ten years old, Muslim Imam often come and sit under an expert on hadith, Imam Ad Dakhili. A year later, he started memorizing hadith of the Prophet, and began dared to correct the errors of false teachers mentioned hadith narration.

In addition to the Ad Dakhili, Muslim Imam did not hesitate to ask to many scholars in different places and countries. Adventure become a routine activity for him to look for genealogy and the correct sequence a hadith. He, for example, go to the Hijaz, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and other countries. In his trip, met many Muslim Imam and renowned visiting scholars to learn from hadith to them. Khurasan, he studied to Yahya bin Yahya and Ishak bin Rahawaih; in Ray, he studied to Muhammad ibn Mahran and Abu 'Ansan. In Iraq, he learned hadith to Ahmad bin Hanbal and Abdullah bin Maslamah; Hijaz she learned to Sa'id ibn Mansur and Abu Mas' Abuzar; in Egypt, he studied to 'Amr bin Sawad and Harmalah bin Yahya, and other scholars of hadith experts.

For Imam Muslim, Baghdad has its own meaning. In this city he visited many times to study with scholars of hadith experts. His last visit he did in the year 259 AH when Imam Bukhari came to Nishapur, Muslim Imam often came to exchange ideas at the same time learn from him. At that time, Imam Bukhari who is more senior, more than he mastered the science of hadith.

When there slander or gap between Bukhari and Az Zihli, he joined to Bukhari. Unfortunately, it then becomes cause breakdown of his relationship with Imam Az Zihli. Even more distressing, the relationship is not good it spread to the problem of science, namely in terms of the collection and transmission hadiths of the Prophet.

Imam Muslim in his Saheeh books and other books did not include hadiths received from Az Zihli, when he was her teacher. The same thing he did to Bukhari. It seems to Muslim Imam had no choice but did not enter into the Book Saheeh hadiths received from both the teacher. Nevertheless, he still recognizes them as a teacher.

Muslim Imam who is known tawadhu 'and wara' in the science of hadith have narrated the tens of thousands. According to Muhammad Ajaj Al Khatib, professor of Hadith at the University of Damascus, Syria, hadith contained in the great work of Imam Muslim, Sahih Muslim, totaling 3,030 hadith without repetition. When calculated with repetition, he said, amounted to about 10,000 hadith. Meanwhile, according to Imam Al-Khuli, great scholar of Egyptian origin, hadith contained in the works of the Muslim hadith numbered 4,000 without repetition, and 7275 with repetition. Number of hadith which he wrote in Saheeh Muslim was taken and screened from about 300,000 hadith which he knew. To filter the hadiths, Imam Muslim takes 15 years.

Regarding the method of preparation of the hadith, Imam Muslim applying the principles of science Jarh, and ta'dil, which is a science that is used to assess whether or not a hadith defects. He also uses sighat at tahammul (methods of reception history), as haddasani (deliver me), haddasana (told us), Akhbarana (news to me), akhabarana (reported to us), and qaalaa (he said).

Muslim Imam to be the second best in the science of hadith problem (sanad, honor, criticism, and selection) after Imam Bukhari. "In this world people are actually experts in the field of hadith only four people; one of them is a Muslim Imam," commented a great scholar Abu Quraish Al Hafiz. Intent expression was none other than the leading hadith experts who live in the time of Abu Quraish.

Reputation follows his teacher Imam Bukhari

In the treasures of Islamic sciences, particularly in the field of hadith, Imam Muslim name so monumental, equivalent to his teacher, Abu Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhary al-Ju'fy or better known by the name of Imam Bukhari. The history of Islam owe service to him, for his achievements in the science of hadith, as well as outstanding scientific work as a reference to the teachings of Islam, after the Qur'an. Two books of hadeeth of Bukhari and Muslim work was instrumental in the standardization for the accuracy of the creed, shari'a and tasawwuf in the Islamic world.

Through his work is very valuable, al-Musnad al-Saheeh, or al-Jami 'al-Sahih, besides ranks second after Sahih Bukhari, the book meets the treasures of literature of the Islamic world, and in Indonesia, particularly in Islamic schools become obligatory curriculum for the students and the students.

Odyssey (rihlah) in search of the hadith is the strength of its own, and it is important for intellectual development. In this odyssey (year 220 AH), Imam Muslim met with the teachers, which first met with Qa'nabi and others, as to the city of Makkah in order pilgrimage. Intellectual journey is more serious, perhaps carried out in 230 H. From one region to another, for example, heading to Iraq, Syria, Hijaz and Egypt.

Considerable time spent with his teacher al-Bukhari. The teachers of this magnitude, Imam Muslim tremendous respect. "Let me kiss your feet, O Imam Muhadditsin and doctors hadith," he said, when at a meeting between Bukhari and Muslim.

In addition, Muslim Imam is known as the man who was very friendly, as al-Bukhari who have refinement, Imam Muslim also has a reputation, then popular name - as called for by Adh-Dhahabi - as muhsin of Nishapur.

Maslamah bin Qasim affirmed, "Muslims are tsaqqat, exalted rank and is one of the leader (Imam)." Similarly Similarly, expression of hadith scholars and jurists' large, Imam An-Nawawi, "The scholars agree on its greatness, faith, altitude dignity, intelligence and pioneering in the world of hadith."

Sahih Muslim

Imam Muslim has a considerable amount of work is important and numerous. But the main thing is his work, Sahih Muslim. Compared to the books of other authentic hadith, Sahih Muslim has its own characteristics, which the Muslim Imam giving more attention to the official extraction. He was not even list the titles of each end of the subject. In addition, attention is directed to the mutaba'at and syawahid.

Although he has a different value in the method of preparation of the book of hadith, Imam Muslim never intend to reveal fiqh hadith, but argued that bersanad sciences. Because he narrated any hadith where it is most feasible to collect sanadnya lines at the venue. While al-Bukhari shredding a hadith in several places and at every place he mentioned again sanadnya. As a student righteous, he had great respect for his teacher, so he avoids people who disagree with al-Bukhari.

Sahih Muslim is rated among muhaditsun are level under al-Bukhari. However, there are a number of scholars who considered that the book of Imam Muslim, rather than winning his book al-Bukhari.

Sahih Muslim is actually posted to Abu Zur'ah, one of the biggest critics of hadith, which usually provides some notes about his disability hadith. Then, Imam Muslim and then corrects these defects by disposing without argument. Because the Muslim Imam never want to record hadiths only based purely personal criteria, and only narrated the hadith is accepted by the ulama. So that Muslim hadiths feels very populist.

Based on the count of Muhammad Fuad Abdul Baqi, Sahih Muslim hadith contains 3,033. The calculation method is not based on a system as was done isnads hadith scholars, but he based it on the subjects. This means that if it is based isnads, the number could double.

Between al-Bukhari and Muslim

Imam Muslim, as stated by Prof. Mustafa 'Adzami in his book Studies in Hadith Methodology and Literature, taking advantage of Sahih Bukhari, then arrange his own work, which of course is methodologically influenced by al-Bukhari.

Between al-Bukhari and Muslim, in the world as an equal in keshahihan hadith hadith, although the hadith al-Bukhari has competitive level. However, the two books of hadith named the as-Shahihain.

Actually, the scholars differed is superior between the Sahih Bukhari Sahih Muslim. Jumhur Muhadditsun argues, is superior Shahihul Bukhari, while a number of Moroccan scholars and others more favor Saheeh Muslim. It shows, in fact the difference is very little, and even if it happens, only the systematics of writing alone, as well as a comparison between the themes and contents.

Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar review Sahih Bukhari excess on Saheeh Muslim, among other things, because Al-Bukhari then requires a meeting of two narrators that are structurally as teachers and pupils in the hadith Mu'an'an; to be judged that sanadnya continued. While Muslims consider simply the "possibility" a second meeting of the narrator in the absence tadlis.

Al-Bukhari hadith mentakhrij received the transmitters tsaqqat major degrees in terms of memorizing and determination. Although also issued a hadith of the next degree narrator with a very selective. While Muslims, more in the second degree narrator than Bukhari. Besides that criticism directed toward the narrators of Muslim lines more than to al-Bukhari.

While opinion in favor of the superiority Saheeh Muslim reasoned - as described Ibn Hajar - that Muslims are more careful in formulating the words and editor, as arranged in their own country by various sources in the lifetime of his teachers. He also did not make any conclusions by giving the title of the chapter as Bukhari did. And a number of other reasons.

But the principle, not all the more authentic hadith Bukhari hadith than Muslim and vice versa. Just in general keshahihan hadith narrated by Bukhari was higher in rank than keshahihan hadith in Sahih Muslim.

Works by Imam Muslim

Imam Muslim managed to collect his works, such as: 1) Al-Asma 'wal-Kuna, 2) Irfadus Syamiyyin, 3) Al-Arqaam, 4) Al-Intifa bi Juludis Siba', 5) Auhamul Muhadditsin, 7) at-Tarikh, 8) at-Tamyiz, 9) Al-Jami ', 10) Hadith Amr bin Shoaib, 11) Rijalul' Urwah, 12) Sawalatuh Ahmad bin Hanbal, 13) Thabaqat, 14) Al-I'lal , 15) Al-Mukhadhramin, 16) Al-Musnad al-Kabir, 17) Masyayikh ats-Thawri, 18) Masyayikh Shu'bah, 19) Masyayikh Malik, 20) Al-Wuhdan, 21) As-Saheeh al-Masnad.

Books of numbers 6, 20, and 21 have been printed, while the numbers 1, 11, and 13 are still in manuscript form. While his work is the monumental Saheeh short of the title, which is actually titled, Al-Musnad as-Saheeh, Sunan al-Mukhtasar minas, bin-al-'Adl Naqli 'annealing' Adl 'an Rasulillah.

Death of Imam Muslim

Imam Muslim died on Sunday afternoon, on the 24th of Rajab 261 AH May Allah have mercy on him, forgive all his mistakes, and classify them into groups of people who are pious. Ameen.
